What do German Shepherds like to do for fun

What do German Shepherds Like To Do For Fun?

In the world of canine companionship, German Shepherds are an iconic breed known for their strength, loyalty, and unique playfulness. But what really makes their tails wag with joy? 

What activities truly unleash their zest for life? If you've been pondering the question, "What do German Shepherds like to do for fun?" you've arrived at the right place.

In this ultimate guide, we'll delve deep into the dynamic world of German Shepherds and discover what makes them truly happy. We're not just talking about the occasional throw of a frisbee or a leisurely walk in the park — although those activities certainly make the cut — we're exploring the entire gamut of activities that can provide fun, stimulation, and satisfaction for your four-legged friend.

To give your German Shepherd the best quality of life, it's essential to understand their needs and preferences, especially regarding play and recreation.

These intelligent, active dogs love activities that challenge them mentally and physically, so a simple game of fetch won't always do the trick.

Whether you are a first-time German Shepherd owner or an experienced one seeking to add extra spice to your dog's life, this blog post will offer invaluable insights.

We'll cover everything from the basics, like their favorite toys, to more nuanced aspects, such as their love for problem-solving games and their inherent drive for work.

German Shepherd puppy playing with toy - GSD Colony

By the time you finish reading, you'll have an extensive list of activities your German Shepherd will love and understand why they benefit them. 

So, fasten your seat belts or leash up your pups as we dive headfirst into the exciting world of fun-filled German Shepherd activities. Let's unveil the secret to a happier, healthier, and more fulfilled German Shepherd!

What do German Shepherds like to do the most?

German Shepherds like to do activities such as agility training, swimming, hiking, running, tracking, hide and seek, interactive toys, herding, obedience training, and more. Understanding your dog's personality and choosing the right activities to make him happy is important.

Here is the ultimate list of 17 different activities designed to entertain and bring fun to most German Shepherds.:

  1. Fetch games
  2. Tug of war
  3. Agility training
  4. Swimming
  5. Hiking
  6. Hide and seek
  7. Interactive toys
  8. Obedience training
  9. Herding
  10. Dog sports
  11. Running
  12. Search and rescue games
  13. Socializing with other dogs
  14. Tracking
  15. Mental stimulation games
  16. Walking in new environments
  17. Working alongside their owner


Fetch games hold a special place in the heart of German Shepherds for many reasons. These dogs are known for their agility, speed, and endurance, which are thoroughly utilized in a riveting game of fetch. The physical exertion involved in running back and forth helps keep them fit and burn off their high energy levels, resulting in a more relaxed and calm dog post-play.

What makes fetch games even more exciting for German Shepherds is the mental stimulation that comes with them. The anticipation of the throw, the tracking of the object mid-air, and the retrieval engage their sharp minds, keeping them thoroughly entertained.

German Shepherd fetch game for fun

Furthermore, fetch games play into the natural prey drive of German Shepherds, derived from their ancestral wolves. Chasing and capturing the fetched object satisfies this instinctual drive in a fun and safe way

Lastly, fetch also enhances the bond between the dog and the owner. The consistent interaction, coupled with the rewarding nature of the game (praise, petting, or treats post-fetch), reinforces their relationship, making it an enjoyable bonding experience.

In essence, fetch games are an all-around winner, providing physical exercise, mental stimulation, a satisfaction of instincts, and a stronger bond with their human companion.

Tug of war

Tug of war is a thrilling and beneficial activity for German Shepherds. This breed, known for its power and resilience, finds the physical challenge of tug of war stimulating and rewarding. The game helps these dogs harness their strength, providing an excellent workout that exhausts their abundant energy and keeps them well-exercised.

Beyond physical benefits, tug of war stimulates German Shepherds mentally as well. They must strategize to maintain a hold on the tug toy, offering an engaging mental challenge that keeps them sharp.

Indoor German Shepherd tug of war

Moreover, the tug of war strengthens the bond between the German Shepherd and its owner. It's an interactive game requiring cooperation, and when combined with positive reinforcement like praise or treats, it fosters a deeper connection between the dog and its human.

However, caution is necessary while playing tug of war. It should be a supervised activity with clear rules to ensure safety and maintain its fun nature. In conclusion, tug of war combines physical exertion, mental stimulation, and bonding, making it an ideal activity for German Shepherds.

Agility training

Agility training is an exciting activity that perfectly aligns with the inherent traits of a German Shepherd. Renowned for their intelligence, athleticism, and problem-solving skills, these dogs find immense satisfaction in navigating the diverse challenges that agility courses present.

Physically, agility training is an excellent workout for German Shepherds. It tests their speed, flexibility, and coordination, allowing them to utilize their athletic prowess while burning off excess energy. The variety of obstacles also helps improve their dexterity and body awareness.

German Shepherd agility training

Beyond physical exercise, agility training provides critical mental stimulation. Navigating through tunnels, jumping over hurdles, or balancing on beams requires focus, memory, and problem-solving.

This mental engagement makes agility training far more than a game; it's an exciting puzzle that keeps German Shepherds mentally sharp.

Moreover, agility training is a team effort between the dog and its handler, fostering a deeper bond and mutual trust. Success on the course depends on effective communication and cooperation, strengthening the relationship between the German Shepherd and its human partner.

Agility training combines physical exercise, mental stimulation, and enhanced bonding, making it an ideal activity for German Shepherds.


Swimming is an activity that holds multiple benefits for German Shepherds, making it an enjoyable and beneficial pastime. This breed, characterized by its strength and vitality, often takes to swimming quite naturally, relishing the opportunity to cool off while getting a full-body workout.

Physically, swimming is an excellent low-impact exercise that works out the entire body, strengthening the dog's muscles without stressing their joints. For high-energy dogs like German Shepherds, swimming offers a fun and effective way to burn off energy and stay fit.

Beyond the physical benefits, swimming also provides mental stimulation. The change of environment, different smells, and novel sensation of water provide a unique sensory experience that keeps them engaged and excited.

German Shepherd swimming for fun

Swimming also presents a great opportunity for bonding with their owner. Whether you're teaching your German Shepherd to swim, playing water fetch, or simply wading in the water together, these shared experiences can foster a deeper connection.

However, it's important to note that not all German Shepherds will take to water immediately and may require a patient, gradual introduction. Always prioritize safety during these sessions, equipping your German Shepherd with a life vest if necessary.


Hiking offers an ideal blend of physical and mental stimulation for German Shepherds, aligning perfectly with their adventurous spirit and high energy levels. Known for their robust physicality and acute intelligence, these dogs find the diverse challenges of a hiking trail thoroughly engaging.

Physically, hiking allows German Shepherds to exercise their impressive stamina and strength. The varied terrain on a hiking trail gives them a full-body workout, an excellent way to expend their abundant energy and keep fit.

Beyond just physical exertion, hiking stimulates a German Shepherd's mind. The myriad of scents, sounds, and sights they encounter on a hiking trail provides a sensory feast, keeping their minds sharp and engaged.

Moreover, hiking fosters a unique bonding experience between the German Shepherd and its owner. Sharing an adventurous journey, overcoming obstacles, and exploring new territory enhances mutual trust and deepens their bond.

Hiking German Shepherd dog

However, safety should always be a priority when hiking. Ensure your German Shepherd is vaccinated, protected from parasites, and always on a leash or under voice control. Having water and a first-aid kit is also advisable. In summary, hiking is a fantastic activity for German Shepherds, combining physical exercise, mental stimulation, and shared adventure.

Hide and seek

Hide and Seek is a game that can be an excellent source of amusement for German Shepherds. As a breed known for its intelligence, sharp senses, and strong instinct to find and protect its pack, hide and seek taps into these innate qualities, making it an engaging and fun activity for them.

The game is a source of physical activity as the dog moves around searching for their hiding human and provides ample mental stimulation. The challenge of finding a hidden person excites these intelligent dogs, making the game a satisfying puzzle to solve.

German Shepherds are equipped with an extraordinary sense of smell, and hide and seek allows them to utilize this sense, honing their tracking skills and mental acuity. It encourages their instincts to search and rescue, providing a meaningful and entertaining outlet.

Hide and seek German Shepherd game

Furthermore, hide-and-seek fosters a deeper bond between the dog and its owner. The shared joy when the dog successfully locates their hiding human can strengthen the bond of companionship, enhancing their mutual trust and understanding.

In essence, hide and seek offers a blend of physical exercise, mental stimulation, and bonding, making it an ideal game for German Shepherds. It allows them to use their innate abilities in a fun and constructive way.

Interactive toys

Interactive toys are a wonderful source of fun and engagement for intelligent, active breeds like German Shepherds. These toys, which often involve puzzles to solve or triggers to manipulate, tap into the breed's innate problem-solving skills and mental agility, stimulating playtime and satisfying.

Interactive toys challenge German Shepherds mentally. They require the dog to think, strategize, and often use physical skills to achieve the toy's goal—usually, the reward of a hidden treat. This active engagement provides mental stimulation and fulfills their natural desire to work for rewards.

Beyond mental engagement, interactive toys also offer a degree of physical activity. Whether the toy needs to be nudged, pawed, or carried around, these actions provide the German Shepherd with some level of physical exercise, helping to burn off energy.

German Shepherd dog with interactive dino toy

Moreover, interactive toys can play a crucial role in alleviating boredom when the dog is left alone, reducing destructive behavior. They can also be used in positive reinforcement training to foster independent play.

In summary, interactive toys are an excellent resource for German Shepherds, stimulating them mentally, providing physical activity, combating boredom, and encouraging problem-solving skills while providing fun.

Obedience training

Obedience training, while a tool for instilling discipline and good manners, also provides a source of fun and engagement for German Shepherds. These intelligent and highly trainable dogs enjoy the mental stimulation that obedience training provides, turning what might seem like work into a game.

German Shepherds are known for their intelligence, eagerness to please their owners, and their ability to learn quickly. These traits make obedience training more of a mental puzzle they are eager to solve. Every new command is challenging to understand and follow, keeping their minds engaged and sharp.

Moreover, obedience training can be a source of physical exercise, especially when the training involves commands like 'come', 'fetch', or 'heel'. These commands involve movement, allowing the German Shepherd to burn off energy while learning.

Obedience training German Shepherd

Additionally, obedience training is a great way for owners and their German Shepherds to bond. The regular, focused interaction and the positive reinforcement (praise, treats) that follows successful command execution strengthens their relationship.

In essence, obedience training combines mental stimulation, physical activity, and bonding, making it an enjoyable and beneficial activity for German Shepherds. It allows them to use their intelligence productively while satisfying their desire to please their owners.


Herding is an activity that truly resonates with the innate characteristics of a German Shepherd. Originally bred for herding sheep, these dogs possess an instinct to guide and protect, making herding a fulfilling and enjoyable task.

Herding provides a significant physical workout as German Shepherds need to be agile, quick, and alert to guide a flock effectively. This activity taps into their physical strength and stamina, allowing them to expend their high energy productively.

Beyond physical activity, herding also provides substantial mental engagement. It requires keen intelligence, strategic thinking, and problem-solving skills to anticipate the flock's movements and keep them on the right path. This keeps a German Shepherd's mind sharp and focused.

German Shepherd original job-herding

Moreover, herding links German Shepherds to their ancestral purpose, providing a deep sense of fulfillment. This can contribute to a more content and well-balanced dog.

However, herding should always be conducted in a controlled, safe environment and should never involve chasing or harassing animals. Instead, it should focus on controlling and guiding movements, which can be immensely enjoyable for German Shepherds, aligning with their historical role and allowing them to utilize their physical and mental capabilities fully.

Dog sports

Dog sports are a terrific fit for German Shepherds, given their high energy levels, athletic ability, and quick learning capacity. These sports, such as Flyball, Disc Dog, or Schutzhund, allow German Shepherds to channel their energy, focus, and agility in a fun and competitive environment.

Physically, dog sports provide a thorough workout. They demand speed, strength, coordination, and endurance, all of which German Shepherds have in abundance. Participation in dog sports can help keep these dogs fit and healthy and burn off their high energy levels.

German Shepherd dog sports

Beyond the physical aspect, dog sports offer substantial mental engagement. They require the dog to understand and follow specific rules, which can be mentally stimulating and rewarding for these intelligent dogs. Training for and participating in these sports presents challenges that keep their minds sharp and engaged.

Additionally, dog sports can strengthen the bond between the German Shepherd and its owner. Working together to learn and perform the tasks of the sport encourages mutual trust and cooperation.


Running is an excellent activity for German Shepherds, perfectly aligning with their energetic and athletic nature. This breed, well-known for its strength and stamina, enjoys the freedom and physical challenge that running offers.

Running is a superb form of exercise for German Shepherds. It helps them maintain a healthy weight, improves cardiovascular health, strengthens their muscles, and allows them to expend abundant energy. A good run can provide the necessary physical exertion for an active breed like German Shepherd to keep them satisfied and content.

Suggestion: Does German Shepherd like running?

In addition to the physical benefits, running can offer a degree of mental stimulation. The new environments, sights, and smells experienced during a run can keep their minds alert and engaged.

German Shepherd dog running speed fact

Furthermore, running with your German Shepherd creates a shared experience, helping to strengthen the bond between you and your dog. This shared activity reinforces companionship and mutual understanding, enhancing your relationship.

However, it's essential to gradually increase the running distance to prevent injuries and ensure your German Shepherd is always comfortable. Remember to stay hydrated and avoid running in extreme temperatures.

Search and rescue games

Search and rescue games offer an exciting and meaningful activity for German Shepherds, tying into their inherent traits of intelligence, keen senses, and natural working dog instincts. These games turn their natural drive to locate and help into a fun and rewarding endeavor.

Physically, search and rescue games require the dog to explore, sniff, and often traverse different terrains, providing a good source of exercise. These games help the German Shepherd burn off energy while using their agility and strength.

Mentally, search and rescue games are highly stimulating. They require concentration, problem-solving, and the effective use of their exceptional scent-tracking abilities. This mental engagement makes the game more than just physical activity; it's a challenging puzzle to solve, keeping their minds sharp.

German Shepherd search and rescue game

Moreover, search and rescue games are rooted in purpose, which aligns with the breed's history as working dogs. This purposeful activity can provide these intelligent dogs with a sense of fulfillment and contentment.

Additionally, these games foster teamwork between the dog and its handler, enhancing their bond and mutual trust. Always conduct these games in a safe environment and provide positive reinforcement to ensure they remain fun and enjoyable.

Suggestion: Brain games for German Shepherds


Tracking is an activity that aligns seamlessly with German Shepherds' innate capabilities and preferences. As a breed initially developed for herding and working, they possess a keen sense of smell and a natural inclination to follow scents, making tracking an engaging and fulfilling game.

Tracking provides a unique form of physical activity. As the German Shepherd follows a scent trail, they'll be walking, running, and exploring different terrains, a robust exercise helping them expend energy.

Beyond the physical aspect, tracking is a mentally stimulating exercise. It requires focus, memory, and problem-solving as the dog must decipher the scent trail and decide on the correct path. This cognitive engagement makes tracking a mentally enriching game that keeps their minds active and sharp.

German Shepherd tracking

Moreover, tracking offers a sense of purpose and accomplishment for these dogs. Successfully following a scent trail to its source can provide a rewarding experience that taps into their instincts.

Furthermore, tracking can foster a stronger bond between the German Shepherd and its handler. Success in tracking requires effective communication and cooperation, enhancing mutual trust and understanding.

Mental stimulation games

Mental stimulation games are a perfect fit for the sharp minds of German Shepherds. As a breed renowned for their intelligence and problem-solving abilities, these dogs thrive when their cognitive skills are challenged, making these games an exciting and rewarding activity.

Mental stimulation games vary widely, from puzzle toys to hide-and-seek with treats, to complex trick training. These games engage the dog's brain, requiring focus, memory, and decision-making skills. This mental workout is as essential for their well-being as physical exercise, helping prevent boredom, alleviate anxiety, and promote mental sharpness.

Moreover, these games often involve a reward system, where the dog earns a treat or praise for completing a task. This reward-based challenge aligns with their desire to work toward a goal, making the game enjoyable and fulfilling.

Mental stimulation games for German Shepherds fact

Furthermore, mental stimulation games can enhance the bond between the German Shepherd and its owner. The shared time, the communication, and the mutual joy of successfully completing a task can strengthen their relationship.

The level of difficulty of the games should be suitable for the individual dog to keep it fun and avoid frustration.

Walking in new environments

Walking in new environments is an enriching activity that perfectly suits German Shepherds' curious and adventurous nature. Known for their intelligence and adaptability, this breed thrives on exploration and novelty, making new environments an exciting playground.

A walk in a fresh environment introduces your German Shepherd to a plethora of new sights, smells, and sounds. This sensory stimulation can be mentally engaging and exciting, providing them with a mental workout alongside the physical benefits of the walk.

Physically, walking is a great exercise for German Shepherds. It helps to maintain their fitness, supports joint health, and allows them to burn off energy. Changing the environment adds a physical challenge as they navigate new terrains and obstacles.

German Shepherd trust to owner

Moreover, exploring new environments can enhance their socialization skills. They get opportunities to encounter different people, animals, and situations, promoting their adaptability and confidence.

Additionally, sharing these explorative walks can strengthen the bond between you and your German Shepherd. It's a shared adventure that encourages teamwork and mutual understanding.

Working alongside their owner

Working alongside their owner is an activity that ties into the deep-seated instincts of German Shepherds. This breed, historically bred for herding and protective roles, enjoys having a task to do, especially one that involves cooperation with their human companion.

Engaging in meaningful work gives these intelligent, eager-to-please dogs a sense of purpose. Whether helping to carry groceries, picking up dropped items, or participating in household tasks, these activities fulfill their desire to contribute and be part of the team.

Working alongside their owner provides mental stimulation and fosters a deeper bond between the dog and the human. The shared tasks, the communication, and the mutual sense of accomplishment can enhance their relationship, building trust and mutual respect.

German Shepherd in office

Moreover, the training in performing these tasks provides an additional layer of mental engagement. German Shepherds are fast learners, and teaching them new commands or tasks can be a rewarding experience for both the dog and the owner.

Working alongside their owner combines mental stimulation, purposeful activity, and bonding, making it an enjoyable and beneficial activity for German Shepherds. It allows them to use their intelligence productively while satisfying their instinctive drive to be a valuable part of a team.

The benefits of allowing your German Shepherd to do fun things that he likes

Engaging your German Shepherd in activities they enjoy has numerous benefits that enhance their overall physical and mental well-being.

Physically, running, playing fetch, or swimming help maintain your German Shepherd's fitness. These exercises contribute to muscle development, cardiovascular health, and weight management. They also help improve agility, endurance, and coordination, all crucial for this active breed. 

Physical activities also help expend energy, which can help manage behavioral issues stemming from boredom or pent-up energy.

Mentally, activities like puzzle games, tracking, or obedience training stimulate your German Shepherd's brain. This mental engagement keeps their minds sharp, promotes problem-solving skills, and helps prevent cognitive decline. It can also alleviate stress and anxiety, as mental stimulation often leads to a more content and calmer dog.

Fact: Mental stimulation games can enhance a dog's problem-solving abilities, improving their overall cognitive function. 

Moreover, activities that your German Shepherd enjoys can significantly enhance their social skills. Interacting with other dogs during a playdate or encountering different people and environments during a walk can help them become more well-adjusted and confident.

Additionally, engaging in these activities fosters a deeper bond between you and your German Shepherd. Shared experiences, communication, and the mutual satisfaction of achieving goals strengthen your relationship, enhancing mutual trust and understanding.

Also, activities that cater to your German Shepherd's preferences contribute to their happiness and quality of life. It allows them to express their instincts and abilities while bringing them joy and fulfillment.

What do German Shepherds need to be happy?

German Shepherds, like any other breed, require a balanced mix of physical exercise, mental stimulation, social interaction, and a strong bond with their owners to be genuinely happy and fulfilled.

Physical exercise is a fundamental need for this active and energetic breed. Regular activities such as running, playing fetch, swimming, and hiking can help them burn off energy, maintain fitness, and improve overall health.

Suggestion: The best things to do with your German Shepherd

"Remember, your dog's happiness isn't tied to the price tag on their toy, but to the time, love, and effort you put into their daily routine."

Mental stimulation is equally crucial to keep their sharp minds engaged. Activities like puzzle games, tracking, obedience training, or working alongside their owners help satisfy their intelligence and problem-solving skills.

German Shepherds are highly sociable animals, so positive interactions with humans and other dogs are beneficial. Proper socialization is essential for their emotional health, making them more confident and well-adjusted.

A strong bond with their owner significantly contributes to a German Shepherd's happiness. This breed is known for its loyalty and protective nature, so they appreciate quality time with their owner, whether training, working, or simply relaxing together.

Happy German Shepherd puppy

Finally, meeting their basic needs, such as a balanced diet, regular health check-ups, and a safe, comfortable living environment, is fundamental for their happiness. They thrive in a caring, attentive household that recognizes and appreciates their unique needs and qualities.

What do German Shepherds do when they are bored?

When German Shepherds are bored, they may exhibit various behaviors as an outlet for their unspent energy and mental restlessness. Such behaviors could include excessive barking, digging, chewing on inappropriate items, or even demonstrating destructive behavior around the house. 

Boredom in German Shepherds is often a sign of insufficient physical exercise or mental stimulation. As an active and intelligent breed, they need regular, engaging activities to satisfy their physical and mental needs. If these needs are unmet, the resulting boredom can lead to stress, anxiety, and potentially problematic behaviors.

Lack of mental stimulation and boredom can strain the bond between dogs and their owners, as the dog may become disinterested or detached. 

While occasional periods of calm or downtime can benefit dogs, consistent boredom is unhealthy. Regular exercise, training, and playtime are crucial for a dog's well-being. These activities provide physical exertion and mental stimulation, both essential for a dog's happiness and health.

In addition to physical and mental activities, social interaction is also important for German Shepherds. Spending quality time with their owners, interacting with other dogs, or engaging in social activities helps alleviate boredom and promote overall well-being.

Final words

Understanding what German Shepherds like to do for fun is key to ensuring their overall happiness and well-being. German Shepherds require physical and mental stimulation as an active and highly intelligent breed. They thrive on engaging activities such as fetch games, agility training, swimming, and hiking, which cater to their high energy levels and innate athleticism.

Equally important are mental stimulation games, obedience training, and tasks like herding or tracking, which keep their sharp minds busy and content.

These dogs also love social interaction and value the time spent with their owners. Whether it's working alongside you or simply relaxing at home after a busy day, these shared moments significantly contribute to their happiness. Also, let's not forget the importance of variety. Just like us, dogs enjoy exploring new environments and having new experiences.

Remember, it's not about investing in expensive toys but rather in time, effort, and love. After all, a well-exercised, mentally stimulated, and loved German Shepherd is happy!

Frequently asked questions

Do you still have questions? Check our FAQ section, and you can find your answer here!

What do German Shepherds like to do for fun indoors?

Indoor activities that German Shepherds enjoy often stimulate both their bodies and mind. They love playing interactive games like hide and seek, tug-of-war, or fetch with a soft toy. Puzzle toys or treat-dispensing toys can provide mental stimulation as they figure out how to retrieve the reward.

Obedience training or learning new tricks is also a fun way to keep them engaged indoors. Besides this, many German Shepherds enjoy simply spending time with their family, relaxing together, or participating in household activities. Always remember, whatever the activity, your presence, and engagement make it much more enjoyable for them.

Suggestion: Indoor activities for German Shepherds

Jobs for German Shepherds at home

German Shepherds can perform several jobs at home due to their intelligence and versatility. They can be trained to help with tasks like fetching items, opening doors, or even helping to load the washing machine.

As protective dogs, they are natural home guardians, alerting their owners to strangers or unusual activities. They can also provide therapeutic companionship as emotional support dogs. In families with children, German Shepherds can be excellent playmates and protectors.

Moreover, with the right training, they can act as service dogs for those with special needs. Their adaptability makes them suitable for many home-based roles.

Suggestion: Jobs for German Shepherds at home

Do German Shepherds like being alone?

Ensuring your German Shepherd is occupied and comfortable is essential when you're at work. Consider hiring a dog walker or pet sitter to provide exercise and companionship during the day. Leave interactive toys or puzzle feeders to keep them mentally stimulated.

Crate training can provide a safe space for them to rest, although it shouldn't be overused. Doggy daycare could also be an option for socialization. If possible, setting up a safe outdoor space with plenty of shade and water can provide an environment for self-directed play. Lastly, taking your dog to work or arranging a midday home visit can help break up the day.

Do German Shepherds like to sleep?

Yes, German Shepherds, like all dogs, require sufficient sleep for their health and well-being. Puppies may sleep up to 20 hours daily, while adult German Shepherds typically sleep between 12 to 14 hours daily, including nighttime and naps. The amount of sleep can vary based on their age, health, and activity level.

Quality sleep is important for their cognitive function, physical health, and overall mood. However, excessive sleep or a significant change in their sleep patterns could indicate a health issue requiring a vet's attention. Providing a comfortable and quiet space for your German Shepherd to rest is essential.

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