How to make a German Shepherd live longer?

How To Make a German Shepherd Live Longer?

The German Shepherd is a breed of captivating loyalty and profound intelligence in the delightful realm of man's best friends. They're well-renowned for their protective instincts, sharp minds, and boundless energy.

Yet, for all the joy and companionship these beautiful canines bring into our lives, there is a shared sentiment among German Shepherd owners that their time with us is never quite enough. It leads us to a crucial question - how can we make our German Shepherds live longer, healthier lives?

In this wide blog post, we delve into actionable strategies that are not only designed to increase the lifespan of your German Shepherd but also to enhance its quality of life. With these guidelines, your cherished canine companion will not merely add years to their life, but indeed, life to their years.

We’ll unearth the unnecessary practices that might be inadvertently shortening your German Shepherd's life and illuminate the vital improvements to make in their diet, exercise routines, and overall health care.

We’ll navigate the common yet often overlooked mistakes that German Shepherd owners may make - from over-exercising their pups to ignoring signs of potential health issues.

Old German Shepherd quote - GSD Colony

"An old German Shepherd, with their heart full of loyalty and eyes full of stories, is a testament to the unwavering love that grows with age, not fades." - GSD Colony.

Also, we’ll explore a variety of factors, from the role of genetics to the influence of environmental stressors and the importance of regular veterinary checks, all geared toward understanding how to extend the life of your German Shepherd.

No stone will be left unturned in our quest to offer your German Shepherd a healthier, happier, and longer life. We will equip you with the tools and knowledge to avoid detrimental practices and introduce beneficial ones into your dog's routine.

With this guidance, you will find ways to mitigate potential risks and capitalize on opportunities for improving your German Shepherd's longevity.

So, whether you're a first-time owner or a seasoned German Shepherd enthusiast, this blog post is poised to guide you toward a prolonged, enriched life for your furry friend.

Here's to adding more tail wags, nose nudges, and playful romps to the years you share with your German Shepherd!

Stay with us as we embark on this enlightening journey to understand how you can add those precious years to your German Shepherd's life, ensuring they remain by your side, happy and healthy, for as long as possible. Let's begin!

How long do most German Shepherds live?

Most German Shepherds typically live between 8 to 13 years. German Shepherds can live between 12 and 15 years in some extremely rare cases. The number of German Shepherds who live more than 12 years is only 10% of all German Shepherds. In other words, every tenth German shepherd will live longer than 12 years.

It's essential to understand that many factors contribute to a German Shepherd's lifespan. Genetics plays a crucial role in determining how long a German Shepherd might live, including predispositions to certain health conditions like hip dysplasia, which is unfortunately common in the breed.

German Shepherd aging factors

Good breeding practices are essential to mitigate such issues and can significantly influence the health and lifespan of your German Shepherd.

Equally important is the lifestyle and care a German Shepherd receives throughout life. Nutrition is a significant part of this equation. A well-balanced diet rich in high-quality protein, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals can promote a strong immune system and overall health in your German Shepherd.

Regular, balanced exercise is vital to keep your dog in top physical shape and mentally stimulated.

Regular veterinary care is another significant factor. Routine check-ups and vaccinations, early detection and management of potential health issues, dental care, and proper management of chronic diseases are crucial to extending a German Shepherd's life expectancy.

Lastly, environmental factors can also impact the lifespan of your German Shepherd. A safe, clean, and stress-free living environment, with plenty of love, care, and mental stimulation, can greatly enhance a German Shepherd's life quality and duration.

The unique combination of all these factors will decide how long a German Shepherd lives. As an owner, while you cannot control genetics, you can certainly provide the best care, nutrition, environment, and love to increase their lifespan, thereby giving them a fulfilling, happy life.

Every German Shepherd is unique, and with the right care and attention, they can be a part of your life for many wonderful years.

Twenty best tips on extending your German Shepherd's life as much as possible

From the start, we’ll be honest with you; this will not be an easy job, and it will require you to invest many different resources, such as more money and time.

But is it worth it? Absolutely.

Your long-term plan should be building a perfect daily routine for you and your German Shepherd dog and sticking to it.

The routine will help your German Shepherd feel more secure, and it will be much easier to follow these bits of advice and tips.

Here are the 20 best tips for extending your German Shepherd’s life:

  1. Quality nutrition
  2. Maintain a healthy weight
  3. Regular exercise
  4. Mental stimulation
  5. Regular vet check-ups
  6. Dental care
  7. Spaying/neutering
  8. Vaccinations
  9. Heartworm, flea, and tick prevention
  10. Hydration
  11. Grooming
  12. Healthy treats
  13. Limit exposure to toxins
  14. Stress management
  15. High-quality sleep
  16. Socialization
  17. Regular training
  18. Temperature management
  19. Healthy skin
  20. Love and affection

Quality nutrition

Quality nutrition is fundamental for your German Shepherd's health and longevity. A well-balanced diet means feeding your dog high-quality, nutritionally complete, balanced commercial food or a home-cooked diet approved by a veterinarian or canine nutritionist. 

The food should be rich in high-quality proteins, healthy fats, balanced carbohydrates, and essential vitamins and minerals. Avoid foods with artificial additives, fillers, and low-quality ingredients.

Tailor your dog's diet to their age, size, activity level, and health status, as puppies, adults, and senior dogs have different nutritional needs. Consult your vet about dietary supplements if necessary.

Proper nutrition will support your dog's immune system, maintain healthy skin and coat, support organ function, and promote overall vitality.

Maintain a healthy weight

Maintaining a healthy weight is critical to your German Shepherd's health and lifespan. Overweight and obesity in dogs can lead to numerous health complications, including diabetes, heart disease, joint problems, and decreased lifespan.

Regular exercise and portion control are key to managing your German Shepherd's weight. Feed them the appropriate amount of quality food for their age, size, and activity level, and be careful with treats, as they add extra calories.

Obesity in dogs

Regular vet visits will allow you to monitor your dog's weight and make dietary adjustments if necessary. Implementing a routine exercise program that includes walks, playtime, and mental stimulation will help keep your German Shepherd in shape. 

Suggestion: The Journey of German Shepherd Growth and Development

Remember, a lean, well-exercised German Shepherd is healthier and happier.

Regular exercise

Regular exercise is essential for a German Shepherd's long and healthy life. This breed is known for its high energy levels and physical strength, making it crucial to provide daily activities that mentally and physically challenge them. Regular walks, playtime, and games like fetch can help keep your German Shepherd active and fit, which aids in maintaining a healthy weight and strong heart. 

Moreover, exercise can help stimulate their minds, reduce behavioral issues, and strengthen the bond between you and your dog. However, the intensity and duration of exercise should be appropriate for their age, health status, and fitness level.

Always remember to provide rest periods and fresh water during exercise. Additionally, avoid exercising in extreme temperatures to prevent overheating or hypothermia. Consult your vet about a suitable exercise regimen for your German Shepherd if you need help.

Mental stimulation

Mental stimulation is just as crucial as physical activity for your German Shepherd's longevity and quality of life. German Shepherds are intelligent dogs that thrive on challenges and problem-solving activities. Engaging their minds can prevent boredom and associated behavioral issues, reduce anxiety, and keep them feeling young and sharp.

There are various ways to stimulate your dog's mind. Puzzle toys that dispense treats can keep them busy trying to figure out how to get the reward. Even short training sessions challenge their minds and reinforce good behavior. Socialization with other dogs and people can also provide mental enrichment.

Additionally, new experiences, such as different walking routes or environments, can stimulate their senses. Remember, a mentally engaged German Shepherd is a happier, healthier dog, so keep their minds as active as their bodies for a longer, more fulfilling life.

Regular vet check-ups

Regular veterinary check-ups are key to extending your German Shepherd's lifespan. Regular visits to the vet - typically once or twice a year for healthy adult dogs - can help catch potential health issues early before they become more severe and harder to treat. 

Your vet can conduct a thorough physical examination, take blood samples, and perform other tests to assess your dog's overall health. These check-ups are also a good opportunity to keep your German Shepherd's vaccinations up-to-date, discuss any concerns you might have about their health, behavior, diet, or lifestyle, and get professional advice tailored to your dog's specific needs.

German Shepherd dog at vet

Preventive care is always better (and often cheaper) than treating diseases, and regular vet visits are a crucial part of preventive care for your German Shepherd.

Dental care

Dental care ensures your German Shepherd's overall health and longevity. Poor dental hygiene can lead to many problems, including periodontal disease, tooth loss, and infections that can spread to vital organs like the heart and kidneys. Regularly brushing your German Shepherd's teeth with dog-specific toothpaste can help prevent plaque buildup and gum disease.

Dental chews and a diet that promotes dental health can also contribute to maintaining oral hygiene. In addition to home care, professional dental cleanings by a veterinarian may be necessary periodically.

Inspecting your dog's mouth for any signs of inflammation, foul breath, or unusual growth is also essential. Maintaining your German Shepherd's dental health can help prolong its life and prevent potential health complications.


Spaying or neutering your German Shepherd can significantly improve overall health and longevity. This surgical procedure removes the dog's reproductive organs and can prevent various health issues.

For females, spaying eliminates the risk of uterine infections and drastically reduces the risk of mammary tumors. For males, neutering can prevent testicular cancer and significantly reduce the risk of prostate problems.

Besides the health benefits, spaying or neutering can curb behavioral issues related to the breeding instinct, such as roaming, aggression, and marking territory.

It's important to consult your vet to determine the best time to spay or neuter your German Shepherd, as the timing can impact their growth and development. With this procedure, you can enhance your German Shepherd's quality of life and extend its lifespan.

German Shepherd neutering

A University of Georgia study, based on the medical records of more than 70,000 animal patients, found that the life expectancy of neutered male dogs was 13.8% longer and that of spayed female dogs was 26.3% longer.


Keeping your German Shepherd up-to-date with vaccinations is crucial to protect them against many serious and potentially deadly diseases. Vaccines stimulate the immune system to recognize and fight off harmful viruses and bacteria, preventing illnesses like parvovirus, distemper, and rabies.

The type and frequency of vaccinations depend on several factors, including your dog's age, lifestyle, health status, and the prevalent diseases in your area. Puppies usually receive vaccines at six weeks old, followed by booster shots in adulthood.

Regular vet visits will ensure your German Shepherd receives the necessary vaccinations at the right time. Preventing diseases through vaccinations is always better than treating them, as some can affect your dog's health and lifespan. Proper immunization is fundamental in caring for your German Shepherd and can significantly contribute to its longevity.

Heartworm, flea, and tick prevention

Preventing heartworm, flea, and tick infestation is vital to your German Shepherd's health care regimen. Heartworm is a deadly disease caused by parasites transmitted through mosquito bites. It affects the heart and lungs and can be fatal if not treated. Fleas and ticks are external parasites that can cause severe discomfort and allergies and transmit diseases.

There are various preventive medications available that can protect your dog from these parasites. Options range from oral tablets to topical applications and collars. The choice depends on your dog's lifestyle, location, and preference.

Your vet can advise on suitable preventive measures and their frequency. Regularly inspect your dog for signs of fleas and ticks, especially after walks in wooded areas.

Heartworms in German Shepherds

Remember, prevention is far more comfortable and cheaper than dealing with an infestation or disease later. Your German Shepherd's longevity could depend on it.


Hydration is fundamental to your German Shepherd's overall health and longevity. Water involves almost every bodily function, from digestion and nutrient absorption to temperature regulation and waste elimination. Without adequate hydration, your dog may face serious health complications, including kidney and urinary tract issues.

Always ensure that your German Shepherd has access to fresh, clean water, both indoors and outdoors. The amount of water your dog needs can vary depending on their size, diet, activity level, and the weather.

Generally, a good rule of thumb is that your dog should drink about an ounce of water per pound of body weight each day. This amount can increase during hot weather or after exercise.

Monitor your German Shepherd for signs of dehydration, such as excessive panting, dry gums, or lethargy. If you notice any of these signs, contact your vet immediately. Proper hydration is a simple yet crucial step towards a longer, healthier life for your German Shepherd.


As a breed, German Shepherds have a dense double coat that sheds year-round and more intensely during certain times of the year. Regular brushing - ideally daily - can help keep their coat healthy, reduce the amount of hair around your home, and allow you to check for any skin issues, parasites, or abnormalities on your dog's body.

Bathing should be done as needed, generally every 2-4 months, or when your dog gets dirty or starts to smell. Avoid bathing too frequently, as it can strip the natural oils from your dog's skin and cause dryness or irritation.

Grooming is also a good time to check and clean your dog's ears, trim their nails, and brush their teeth.

German Shepherd grooming

Not only does regular grooming contribute to your German Shepherd's physical health, but it also provides an excellent opportunity for bonding. It can help your dog feel comfortable and relaxed, improving their emotional well-being and longevity.

Healthy treats

Choosing healthy treats for your German Shepherd is a small but significant step toward extending its life. Treats are often used for training, rewards, or just because we love spoiling our pets. However, it's essential to remember that not all treats are equal. Some are packed with unhealthy additives, artificial colors, and high amounts of salt and sugar.

Opt for high-quality treats that are low in calories and made from natural ingredients. Consider treats with added health benefits, like dental chews that help clean your dog's teeth or treats fortified with essential vitamins and minerals.

Healthy German Shepherds treats

You can also use pieces of fruits and vegetables, like carrots or apples, as low-calorie treats.

Treats should make up no more than 10% of your German Shepherd's daily calorie intake to maintain a balanced diet. Also, remember that some foods, like chocolate, grapes, and onions, are toxic to dogs and should be avoided entirely.

Limit exposure to toxins

Various common household substances can be harmful or even deadly to German Shepherds, including certain plants, cleaning products, pest control products, medications, and foods like chocolate and xylitol (a sugar substitute).

When using cleaning or pest control products, ensure your dog is not in the area and cannot access the treated area until it's safe. Keep medications stored safely out of your dog's reach. Be aware of toxic plants, both inside and outside your home.

Suggestion: German Shepherd most common allergies

Environmental toxins like heavy traffic fumes or secondhand smoke can also harm your dog's health. Aim to always provide a safe, clean environment for your German Shepherd. Always supervise them during walks and outdoor playtimes to prevent them from ingesting something harmful.

Stress management

Managing your German Shepherd's stress levels is essential for overall health and longevity. Chronic stress in dogs can lead to various health issues, including digestive problems, weakened immune systems, behavioral changes, and a shorter lifespan.

Common causes of stress in dogs include loud noises, changes in the household, lack of exercise, and lack of mental stimulation. To manage your German Shepherd's stress, maintain a consistent routine that includes regular exercise and mental stimulation, and provide a safe, quiet space where your dog can retreat when feeling overwhelmed.

Socialization and training can also help reduce stress by making your German Shepherd more confident and adaptable.

In some cases, stress may be a symptom of an underlying health issue, so it's important to consult your vet if you notice persistent signs of stress in your dog. A happy, relaxed German Shepherd is more likely to live a longer, healthier life.

High-quality sleep

Like humans, German Shepherds need regular, restful sleep to support their immune system, growth, learning, and overall health. German Shepherds, particularly puppies and older dogs, need a lot of sleep — often up to 12-14 hours a day, and sometimes even more.

To promote quality sleep, provide a quiet, comfortable, and safe space for your dog to rest. Their bed should be soft yet supportive, big enough for them to stretch out, and located in a draft-free area. Consider investing in an orthopedic bed, especially for older dogs or dogs with joint issues.

Related blog post: Why does my German Shepherd sleep by the door?

Avoid disturbing your dog while sleeping, and maintain a consistent routine, as abrupt changes can cause stress and disrupt sleep.

How long German Shepherds sleep - GSD Colony

If you notice changes in your dog's sleeping patterns or behaviors, such as excessive daytime sleepiness or difficulty sleeping at night, consult your vet, as these could be signs of underlying health issues.


Early and ongoing socialization helps your German Shepherd become a well-adjusted member of society by reducing behavioral problems associated with fear, aggression, and anxiety. It involves introducing your dog to various environments, people, other animals, and experiences in a positive and controlled manner.

Proper socialization begins as a puppy and continues throughout their lifetime. Positive experiences with various stimuli can help build confidence, leading to a happier and less-stressed dog.

Consider taking your dog to different environments, such as parks, busy streets, and dog-friendly stores, to expose them to different sounds, sights, and smells.

Training classes and playdates with other dogs can also be beneficial. Always ensure that socialization experiences are positive for your German Shepherd to prevent creating fear or stress.

Regular training

Regular training is key to your German Shepherd's overall health, happiness, and longevity. As a highly intelligent and active breed, German Shepherds thrive on mental stimulation and tasks, and training provides just that. Regular training sessions can help to build discipline, stimulate their mind, and strengthen the bond between you and your dog.

Training isn't just about teaching commands and helping your dog understand their role in your family and how they're expected to behave. It's essential to use positive reinforcement techniques, such as praise, treats, or playtime, to make training a positive and rewarding experience.

German Shepherd police training

In addition to basic obedience training, you can engage your German Shepherd in more advanced training or dog sports, like agility or search and rescue. Remember, a well-trained dog is happy and confident, which can significantly contribute to a long and healthy life.

Temperature management

Temperature management is essential for your German Shepherd's health and longevity. German Shepherds have a dense double coat that helps them regulate their body temperature. However, they can still be susceptible to extreme weather conditions.

In hot weather, German Shepherds are at risk of overheating and heatstroke. Ensure they always have access to shade and plenty of fresh water, and avoid strenuous exercise during the hottest parts of the day. You might also consider cooling mats or fans to help them stay comfortable.

While they are more resilient than other breeds in cold weather, German Shepherds can still suffer from hypothermia or frostbite, particularly puppies or older dogs. Provide a warm shelter and consider protective gear like dog coats if necessary.

Also, remember never to leave your German Shepherd in a car during extreme temperatures and never shave the coat of your German Shepherd dog.

Healthy skin

A German Shepherd’s skin is the first defense against infections and environmental factors (right after the coat). Plus, it supports a shiny, healthy coat.

Firstly, regular grooming is necessary to prevent matting and skin infections. Brushing stimulates the skin's surface, distributing natural oils and promoting a healthy coat. When bathing your German Shepherd, use a gentle, dog-specific shampoo to avoid stripping the skin's natural oils.

Also, watch for any signs of skin issues such as redness, bumps, excessive itching, or changes in coat quality. Fleas, ticks, and parasites can cause significant discomfort and skin infections.

Ensure a balanced diet, as nutrition is critical to skin health. Omega-3 fatty acids, for example, promote a healthy, shiny coat. If you notice persistent skin issues, consult your vet, which could indicate an underlying health condition.

Love and affection

Like all dogs, German Shepherds are social creatures that thrive on interaction with their human companions. Spending quality time together, whether it's during play sessions, walks, or simply relaxing, fosters a strong bond and provides emotional security for your pet.

Beyond the basic physical care, dogs require emotional care too. Regular interaction, affectionate touch, and positive reinforcement can greatly contribute to a dog's overall happiness and reduce anxiety and stress levels.

German Shepherd love and affection

Being loved and included in the family benefits your dog's mental well-being. And it is well-documented that happier, less stressed dogs tend to live longer, healthier lives. So, never underestimate the power of a belly rub or a kind word for your loyal German Shepherd's health.

📝 Related blog post: German Shepherd Signs of Affection

How long do German Shepherds live in human years?

When we think about our German Shepherds, it's common to try and understand their age in terms of human years. However, converting dog years to human years isn't as simple as multiplying by seven, as commonly believed. Age conversion can vary depending on the dog's size and breed. Also, dogs mature more quickly in their first few years than humans.

The American Veterinary Medical Association suggests a more accurate conversion: the first year of a medium-sized dog’s life is equivalent to approximately 15 human years, the second year equates to about nine human years, and after that, each dog year equals about five human years. As a medium-to-large-sized breed, German Shepherds follow this rough approximation.

German Shepherd years to human years table:

German Shepherd years
Equivalent human years

Given these calculations, a German Shepherd, which typically lives between 9-13 years, would be approximately 56-76 years old in human years by the end of its life. Remember, these are just approximations.

Every German Shepherd is unique, and individual health can significantly affect lifespan. Regular veterinary check-ups, a balanced diet, adequate exercise, and lots of love can enhance your German Shepherd's quality of life and potentially extend it.

What is the oldest a German Shepherd can live?

The average lifespan of a German Shepherd is generally between 9 to 13 years, but with excellent care, they can sometimes live longer. The oldest recorded age for a German Shepherd is believed to be around 18 years. 

However, reaching such an old age is quite rare for this breed due to their size and predisposition to certain health conditions.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet, regular exercise, regular vet check-ups, and prompt attention to health concerns can help maximize a German Shepherd's lifespan.

Remember, the quality of life is just as important as the length. Providing your German Shepherd with a loving, caring environment can contribute significantly to their well-being and longevity.

Related blog post: What do German Shepherds Usually Die From?

Longest-living German Shepherd

There is no official record for the longest-living German Shepherd. However, many believe that the unofficial world record for the longest-living German Shepherd is 18 years. But there is an official record for a dog name by Zeynep. Zeynep is a German Shepherd mix dog from Turkey that is 23 years old.

Zeynep oldest German Shepherd dog breed mix


Final words

Extending the lifespan of your German Shepherd involves a multifaceted approach centered around maintaining their overall health and well-being. Like any breed, their lifespan hinges on various factors such as genetics, diet, exercise, medical care, and the overall lifestyle provided to them.

From our discussion, we outlined twenty crucial tips to help enhance the quality of life and potentially increase the lifespan of your German Shepherd.

These tips covered the spectrum from maintaining a balanced diet to implementing regular vet check-ups, ensuring a stress-free environment, and showering them with ample love and affection.

Other factors like adequate exercise, dental care, preventive health measures, socialization, training, and maintaining a healthy weight also play significant roles.

While there are instances of German Shepherds living up to 18 years, the average lifespan typically ranges from 9 to 13 years. But who knows? Maybe your German Shepherd will be the German Shepherd who lived the longest!

Remember, every German Shepherd is unique, and what works for one might not work for another. It's essential to consider their needs and provide them with a caring, stimulating, and healthy environment.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can strive to give your German Shepherd a long, fulfilling, and healthy life. The aim should not only be about extending their years but, more importantly, enhancing the quality of life they enjoy in their time with you.

Frequently asked questions

Do you still have questions? Check our FAQ section, and you can find your answer here!

Can a German Shepherd live 20 years?

While it's technically possible for a German Shepherd to live up to 20 years, it is rare and far exceeds the average lifespan for the breed, typically 9 to 13 years. The longevity of a German Shepherd, like any other breed, depends on various factors, including genetics, diet, exercise, medical care, and overall lifestyle.

Large breeds like German Shepherds tend to have shorter lifespans than smaller breeds, and they're also prone to certain health issues such as hip and elbow dysplasia, heart conditions, and certain types of cancer. These health issues can potentially impact their lifespan.

What is the lifespan of 100lb German Shepherd?

The average lifespan of a German Shepherd typically ranges from 9 to 13 years. However, weight can significantly impact a dog's overall health and longevity. A German Shepherd weighing 100 pounds is considerably heavier than the standard weight range for the breed, which is about 50 to 90 pounds for males and 45 to 70 pounds for females.

Excess weight can stress a dog's body and contribute to various health issues, such as joint problems, heart disease, diabetes, and a decreased immune response. These health problems can potentially shorten a dog's lifespan.

However, it's also important to note that size isn't the only determinant of a dog's health and lifespan. Nutrition, exercise, regular veterinary care, genetics, and overall lifestyle significantly influence a dog's life expectancy.

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