Do German Shepherds bark a lot? This is one of the most common questions people ask when they are considering adding a German Shepherd to their family. The truth is, like all dogs, some German Shepherds bark more than others and it depends on the individual dog’s personality and training.
In this blog post, we will discuss why German Shepherds may be prone to barking and how you can help reduce excessive barking in your own pup. We will also cover some tips for choosing a quieter breed if that's what you're looking for. So let’s dive into the fascinating world of canine communication!
Do German Shepherds bark a lot?
Compared to the most dog breed, German Shepherds bark a lot. This popular question doesn't have an easy answer. It is true that, like all dogs, some German Shepherds bark more than others and it really depends on the individual dog’s personality and training.
If fact, a German Shepherd by the name of Daz Lightning has placed this dog breed as the second loudest dog breed on the planet!
Why do German Shepherds bark a lot?
Their tendency to bark can be linked to their herding heritage as they were bred to guard the flock, alert their owners of danger and even protect their home. As such, German Shepherds are naturally more vocal than other breeds.
German Shepherds, like all dogs, bark as a way to communicate. They use barking as a means to alert their owners of potential danger or just to let them know they are feeling bored or stressed. When it comes to German Shepherd barking, the key is not necessarily to eliminate it but rather to teach your pup when and how much they can bark.
That being said, German Shepherds can be trained to bark less and some dogs may simply have an easier time staying quiet than others.
Do all German Shepherds bark a lot?
Not all German Shepherds bark a lot. While it may be true that some German Shepherds are very vocal dogs and they're more prone to barking than other dog breeds, there are many factors that can influence a dog’s vocalization levels. For example, age, health, and even their environment can affect how much a dog barks.
Age is a major factor when it comes to barking as most puppies are more vocal than adult dogs. With proper training and socialization, they can learn to bark less as they get older. The same is true for a dog's health – if your pup has an underlying medical condition, it may be causing them discomfort and making them bark more.
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Lastly, the environment can also have an effect on a dog’s barking. If your German Shepherd is feeling stressed or anxious due to changes in their environment, they may bark more than normal.
Do German Shepherds bark a lot at night?
German Shepherds bark for a variety of reasons, including alerting their owners to danger or trying to communicate something. During the night, German Shepherds may be more likely to bark due to increased anxiety from loud noises or other animals that can't be seen in the dark.
They may also be responding to changes in their environment that are out of their control, such as new people or animals nearby.

Additionally, if a dog feels threatened during the night they will often bark as an attempt to ward off any potential danger and protect themselves and their home. Ultimately, German Shepherds bark for various reasons at all times of day depending on what's going on around them.
Do German Shepherd puppies bark a lot?
German Shepherd puppies, like all young dogs, are often more vocal than adult dogs. This is because puppies use barking as a way to communicate their needs and alert their owners of potential danger. While some puppies may bark less than others, it is normal for them to bark more frequently than older dogs.
The amount of barking a puppy can be reduced with proper training. Teaching your puppy basic commands and providing them with plenty of socialization opportunities are key in helping to keep their barking under control. With consistency and patience, you can train your pup to bark less over time.
Finally, it is important to remember that German Shepherds are a breed that was bred for protection and guarding, so some barking is natural. As long as your pup’s barking does not become disruptive or aggressive, there is no need to worry. With the right training and patience, you can teach your German Shepherd puppy when it is appropriate to bark and how much they should be barking.
At what age do German Shepherds start barking?
You can expect to hear the first barking from your German Shepherd dog already in the first two weeks of his life! Most German Shepherd puppies start barking actively when they're 2-4 months old, and this can happen for a variety of reasons.
Puppies may bark to alert their owners about potential danger, to communicate their needs, or simply because they are feeling excited or anxious. Younger puppies may also bark more often due to the fact that they are still learning how to control their emotions and vocalize appropriately.
At around 8 to 10 months old, most German Shepherds have become better at controlling their bark and communicating with humans through more subtle means such as body language. However, it is important to note that some dogs will continue to bark frequently even after this age.
How noisy are German Shepherds?
German Shepherds can be quite noisy when they bark. A German Shepherd's bark was found to be louder than the sound of a moving truck! The truck produced 86 decibels of sound, while the German Shepherd dog was produce noises of 106 dB.
Depending on their size, type, and individual temperament, some German Shepherds are louder than others, and some bark more than others. Generally speaking, German Shepherds will bark in order to alert their owners of potential danger or to communicate something that is bothering them.
Why do German Shepherds bark so loud?
German Shepherds bark so loud because it is part of their natural instinct to protect and guard. As a breed that was bred for protection and guarding, German Shepherds use their loud barking as an effective way to alert their owners of potential danger and ward off any intruders or threats.
The combination of a large size, strong jaws, and powerful voice makes this breed, particularly good guards.
German Shepherds typically have thick coats that can help amplify sound, and their large rib cages allow them to take in more air than smaller breeds. This allows them to produce sounds at a higher volume.
Why does my German Shepherd bark at everyone?
Your German Shepherd may bark at everyone because he's feeling anxious or he needs attention. He also may sense potential danger and he's trying to alert you, or simply because the person is unfamiliar or perceived as a threat.
If your GSD's barking becomes uncontrolled or disruptive, it is important to take steps to help them become more comfortable with strangers and better understand what appropriate behavior looks like.

Training your fur friend to respond appropriately when guests come over can also help them control their barking around unfamiliar people. Additionally making sure your dog gets enough exercise, mental stimulation, and socialization opportunities can go a long way in helping reduce excessive barking.
Finally, it is also important to remember that some German Shepherd types tend to bark more than others due to their size and history of guarding/protection work - so German Shepherd type should also be taken into account when addressing this issue.
Suggestion: Different Types of German Shepherds
Do female or male German Shepherd bark more?
It is generally accepted that female German Shepherd dogs bark more than male dogs. Studies have shown that female dogs are typically much more vocal and prone to barking, while males tend to be quieter and less frequent barkers.
This could be because female GSDs often use barking as a way of asserting their dominance, while male dogs may be less likely to do this due to their natural urge for protecting their territory.
Can you train a German Shepherd dog not to bark?
It's entirely possible to train a German Shepherd not to bark. This can be accomplished through positive reinforcement training and by teaching the dog appropriate behaviors and communication methods. One thing that you should avoid at all costs is punishment.
How do I stop my German Shepherd from barking?
To stop a German Shepherd from barking, you should use positive reinforcement training and teach them appropriate behaviors. Focus on rewarding desired behaviors with treats and praise, as this will help your dog associate good behavior with a pleasant experience.
This is one of the most effective and the easiest way to teach your German Shepherd not to bark, but there is more!
Here are our top 6 favorite tips that may help you to stop your German Shepherd from barking!
1. Positive reinforcement training: Positive reinforcement is one of the most effective and easiest ways to teach your dog not to bark. This involves rewarding desired behaviors with treats or verbal praise and ignoring unwanted behaviors such as barking. Doing this consistently will help your German Shepherd associate good behavior with a pleasant experience.
2. Redirect and distract: When you notice your German Shepherd barking, try to redirect him with a toy or game. This will help them focus on something else and prevent them from further engaging in unwanted behavior.
3. Teach alternative behaviors: Teaching your German Shepherd alternative behaviors like "sit" or "down" can help to reduce excessive barking. If he starts barking, you can cue him to perform these behaviors instead.
4. Exercise and mental stimulation: Make sure your German Shepherd gets enough exercise and mental stimulation throughout the day. An under-exercised or bored GSD may bark more often as a way of expressing their energy or boredom.
5. Desensitization: If your German Shepherd barks when he encounters certain stimuli, like unfamiliar people or loud noises, it can help to gradually expose him to these things in a controlled way. This will help him become more comfortable and less likely to bark excessively.
6. Seek professional help: If you are having trouble getting your German Shepherd’s barking under control, it is a good idea to seek the help of a professional trainer.

By consistently following these tips and remaining patient and persistent in your efforts, you can effectively reduce excessive barking in your German Shepherd.
Why do German Shepherds bark so much?
1. Attention Seeking: One of the most common causes for a German Shepherd to bark consistently is when it is seeking attention. Dogs are social creatures and crave interaction with their owners, so if they feel neglected or ignored, they may resort to excessive barking in an attempt to get your attention.
2. Boredom & Excess Energy: Boredom and excess energy are two other common causes of excessive barking in German Shepherds. An under-exercised dog may bark out of boredom or as a way to release pent-up energy. Make sure your GSD is adequately exercised throughout the day, which can help reduce unwanted barking behaviors.
3. Fear & Anxiety: Fear and anxiety can also cause a German Shepherd to bark excessively. If your GSD barks when he encounters loud noises or unfamiliar people, for example, this could be an indication that he is feeling frightened or threatened.
4. Territoriality: German Shepherds are naturally protective of their owners and territories, so it is not uncommon for them to bark when they encounter unfamiliar people or animals in their space. If this kind of barking becomes excessive, you may need to implement certain training methods to help your GSD become more comfortable.
5. Separation Anxiety: Separation anxiety is another common cause of excessive barking in German Shepherds. If your dog barks excessively when you or other family members leave the house, this could be an indication that he is suffering from separation anxiety. In this case, it is a good idea to seek the help of a professional trainer who can teach you how to help your dog cope with this behavior.
6. Illness or Pain: barking can also be a sign that your GSD is ill or in pain. If you notice any other changes in behavior or appetite, it is important to take him to the vet for a checkup.
7. Age-Related Changes: As your GSD gets older, he may start to bark more frequently as a result of age-related changes. Senior dogs often suffer from cognitive decline and can become confused or disoriented in certain situations, which can lead to more frequent barking. If this is the case for your pet, you may need to adjust his environment or routines to make him more comfortable.
8. Genetics: Some German Shepherd types are more prone to barking than others. German Shepherds have a natural instinct to bark in order to protect their territory or alert their owners of potential danger, so it is not uncommon for them to bark excessively. For example, the working line tends to bark more frequently than a show line German Shepherd.
9. Your dog is excited: Your German Shepherd may also bark out of excitement, particularly when they're playing with you or other people that they love. If this is the case, it's important to teach your GSD how to control his energy and barking level in such situations by rewarding them for being calm and quiet.
10. Your dog is provoked: German Shepherds are also prone to barking when they feel provoked, such as when someone knocks on the door or an unfamiliar sound is heard. If this is the case, it is important to train your GSD not to bark in certain situations by providing rewards and treats when he remains quiet.

Wrong ways to stop a German Shepherd from barking
1. Yelling or Screaming: Yelling or screaming at your German Shepherd in an attempt to get them to stop barking will only serve to make the situation worse. Not only is it ineffective, but it can also damage your bond with your dog and cause fear, leading to more frequent and excessive barking behaviors.
2. Using E-Collars (shock collars): E-collars are devices that use electrical shocks to discipline German Shepherds for certain behaviors. Although this may seem like an effective way to stop a German Shepherd from barking, it's actually not recommended by animal welfare organizations as the use of such devices can be both physically and mentally damaging to your dog. E-Collars are great tools for dog training, but shock mode will not help you to stop your German Shepherd from barking on the right way.
3. Punishment: Punishing a German Shepherd for barking is also not recommended. Punishment can cause fear and lead to further behavioral issues, such as aggression and anxiety. If you want to stop your German Shepherd from barking, it is best to use positive reinforcement methods that reward good behavior instead of punishing them for bad behavior.
4. Using a muzzle to stop barking: Dog muzzles are fantastic training tools that can save you from a lot of headaches. Dog muzzles are an effective and humane tool used to prevent dogs from biting. Not only do they provide a safe and humane way to train your dog, but they can also help to protect other people, animals, and property from potential risks associated with uncontrolled barking or aggressive behavior. Sometimes muzzles can help you, in case of emergency, but this shouldn't be your long-term solution.
5. Do not take your dog to surgery: Over the last few years, this trend of stopping German Shepherds, and partially all dogs, from barking has significantly increased, and this is one of the worst solutions.
The treatment is known as a ventriculocordectomy (or vocal cordectomy), and the purpose is to stop the pet's barking by removing the majority of the tissues that make a sound.
Imagine if someone took you to surgery and removed your vocal cords because you talk a lot. DO NOT spend money on that surgery. Instead, invest that money into dog training because dog trainers will help your dog a FAR WAY MORE than this surgery.

If you are completely uninterested in your dog, it is best to take it to a rescue shelter, but do not take your dog to that surgery.
6. Taping the mouth of your dog: This is the second worst thing that you can do after surgery. NEVER tape the mouth of your German Shepherd because you can't deal with his barking. Ask for professional help, or like we mention a few moments ago if you are completely uninterested in your dog, it is best to take it to a rescue shelter.
How to tell if your German Shepherd is barking aggressively?
One of the most obvious signs that your German Shepherd is barking aggressively is if their behavior becomes more intense. Aggressive barking usually comes with a heightened level of energy and can include lunging, snarling, and growling. They may also show increased vocal intensity, with louder barks and higher-pitched tones.
If your dog is displaying these behaviors, it is important to address the issue immediately before any further damage is done. Besides, if your German Shepherd has a history of aggressive barking or has already caused harm to another person, dog, or animal, it's important to seek professional help from a dog behaviorist.
A behaviorist can help you identify the root cause of the aggression and provide a tailored plan to help your dog stop this behavior.
It is important to remember that any form of aggression should be taken seriously and dealt with as soon as possible. While it may take some time and effort, with the right training methods, you can help your German Shepherd regain control and learn how to behave in appropriate ways when around other people, animals, or in public.
Do German Shepherds get tired from barking?
Yes, German Shepherds do get tired from barking. Just like humans, when a dog barks excessively they can become fatigued, lose their breath, and tire out their vocal cords. When dogs bark for long periods of time, their vocal cords become strained and overworked, which can lead to hoarseness or even permanent damage if done too often.
To prevent vocal strain and fatigue, it's important to address excessive barking as soon as possible. Depending on the reason for your dog’s barking, there are several methods that can help to control or redirect their behavior.
It may take some time and patience but with consistent training, you can help them learn how to reduce their barking when appropriate.

Also, it’s important to ensure your German Shepherd gets plenty of rest and exercise so they are less likely to bark too much. Quality playtime can help them release any pent-up energy and reduce excessive barking.
Are German Shepherds big barkers?
German Shepherds are often considered to be big barkers, although this isn't necessarily true. German Shepherds are known to have a deep and forceful bark, which is why many people believe they are prone to excessive barking.
However, when it comes to how much a German Shepherd barks, it really depends on the individual dog. Some German Shepherds bark more than others, depending on their breed trait, personality, and level of training.
Do German Shepherds bark more than other dogs?
Yes, German Shepherds have a reputation for barking due to their protective nature and high intelligence. However, proper training and socialization can help manage excessive barking and ensure a well-behaved, less noisy companion. Expectations can align with reality with the right approach.
German Shepherds do indeed bark, and their vocal tendencies are influenced by genetics and upbringing.
According to studies, they are among the top 10 dog breeds known for barking. On average, a German Shepherd barks about 15 to 20 times a day.
While this may align with expectations, it's crucial to remember that excessive barking can be reduced through proper training and socialization. A well-trained German Shepherd can be a disciplined and quieter companion, making them an excellent choice for responsible dog owners.
Common barking triggers in German Shepherds
Uncover the driving forces behind your German Shepherd's vocal expressions and gain valuable insights into fostering a harmonious and well-behaved canine companion.
Here are some key factors that can lead to excessive barking in these dogs:
Territorial Instincts: German Shepherds are known for their strong territorial instincts. They may bark when they perceive a threat to their territory, whether it's a stranger approaching their home or unfamiliar animals nearby.
Guarding Behavior: As natural protectors, German Shepherds may bark when they sense danger or if someone they don't know well approaches their family members. This behavior is part of their protective nature.
Boredom and Lack of Stimulation: German Shepherds are intelligent and active dogs. When they don't receive enough mental and physical stimulation, they may bark out of boredom or frustration.
Separation Anxiety: Dogs with separation anxiety may bark excessively when left alone. German Shepherds are prone to this condition, and addressing it is crucial for reducing barking when you're not at home.
Socialization Issues: Inadequate socialization during puppyhood can lead to fear or anxiety around new people or situations, causing barking as a response to perceived threats.
Communication: Dogs use barking as a form of communication. They may bark to express excitement, fear, hunger, or discomfort. Understanding the context of their barking is essential to address the underlying issue.
- Noise Sensitivity: Some German Shepherds may be more sensitive to loud noises, such as thunderstorms or fireworks, leading to increased barking during such events.
To address these common triggers and reduce excessive barking:
- Training: Consistent, positive reinforcement training can help curb barking in response to triggers like strangers or territorial instincts.
- Socialization: Properly socializing your German Shepherd from a young age can reduce fear-based barking.
- Exercise: Ensure your dog gets enough physical and mental exercise to alleviate boredom and restlessness.
- Address Separation Anxiety: If your dog has separation anxiety, consult a professional trainer or behaviorist to develop a tailored treatment plan.
- Provide Mental Stimulation: Puzzle toys, interactive games, and obedience training can engage your dog's mind and reduce boredom.
Remember that patience and consistency are key when addressing barking triggers in German Shepherds. Understanding the reasons behind their barking is the first step towards effective training and a quieter, happier companion.
Final words
So, now that we know almost everything about German Shepherds and their reason to bark, it's important to properly react to their behavior.
If you're German Shepherd barks at strangers or unfamiliar objects, or when he hears a strange sound, you should just try to calm him and slowly introduce him to whatever scares him.

There's no need for punishment. We understand that sometimes handling such a gorgeous dog breed can be challenging, and if you can solve all issues alone, it's absolutely okay to ask for professional help.
Only with small steps, we can make huge progress. Don't rush, be patient, and know that barking is something natural to German Shepherds.
This is something that you should learn how to control, not take away from them.
Frequently asked questions
Do you still have questions? Check our FAQ section, and you can find your answer here!
❓Are German Shepherds high-energy dogs?
Yes, German Shepherds are known to be high-energy dogs. They have an innate ability to pick up new skills quickly and are eager to please their owners, which makes them easy to train. They are also incredibly intelligent and alert, making them excellent guard dogs.
German Shepherds typically require a minimum of 60 minutes of exercise daily, and they thrive in an active home environment. They are known to be strong-willed, so it's important to provide them with consistent training and clear boundaries in order to keep them motivated.
❓Are German Shepherds good with kids?
Yes, German Shepherds can make great family pets if properly trained and socialized from a young age. They are loyal, intelligent, and courageous dogs that are typically gentle and loving with their companions. When it comes to children, German Shepherds can form strong bonds with them and will protect them when necessary.
Suggestion: Are German Shepherds good with kids?
❓Do German Shepherds bite their owners?
German Shepherds have a reputation for being protective and loyal dogs, but can they be aggressive toward their owners. It's important to understand that although German Shepherds are generally gentle and loving companions, they are capable of biting if provoked or threatened.
In most cases, German Shepherds will not bite their owners unless they feel threatened or provoked. Proper socialization and training are essential in helping German Shepherds learn to trust their owners, as well as teaching them how to act around other people and animals.
❓At what age do German Shepherds calm down?
Most German Shepherds reach maturity around the age of two to three years old and start to calm down after that. During this time, they may become less active and energetic but are still capable of engaging in physical activities. German Shepherds should be taken on walks or runs regularly to help keep their minds and bodies active.