In this blog post, you will learn how to prepare for dog training and effectively train your German Shepherd. We had prepared for you something special, and that’s it a list of 42 commands for German Shepherd dogs in 9 different languages, with an available PDF file, which you can download and print.
The first steps of training.
You already probably know that German Shepherds are one of the smartest dog breeds out there (to be more precise, the third smartest dog breed on the planet). This means that they can easily and fast learn new commands, tricks, and adapt.
But if you want your German Shepherd to listen to your commands, you first must understand how to start training the German Shepherd you commands. Before your start with the training, have one thing in mind: to have a perfectly trained dog, you need to invest a lot of hard work and time. If your German Shepherd didn’t learn a new command the first time, it’s okay.
Most dog owners make this mistake, they don’t give enough time to their dogs to learn new commands, and take their training too seriously. Training should be fun, and the biggest part of training should be playing.
Once your German Shepherd has learned a new command, this is not the end of the story. Repetition, repetition, repetition… this is maybe one of the most important factors if you want your German Shepherd to always obey your commands.
When you start with the training, you want to almost always reward your German Shepherd when he obeys your command. Imagine that you don’t receive a salary for all your hard work, that wouldn’t be fair.

The reward doesn’t need to necessarily be always a treat, this can be his favorite toy, cuddle time, anything your dog really enjoys.
Now when we know what should we need to do before a dog training, let’s see why training a German Shepherd it’s so important.
Why training a German Shepherd is so important?
We will describe this in one simple sentence, they are born to work. If you think that 1,2 hours of daily training for German Shepherd is too much, don’t worry, they can easily complete all the tasks during that time without losing too much energy.
They love to work, and if you have a German Shepherd, you need to find him a “job”. Most of the German Shepherds work as “guardian dogs”.
Tired dogs, is healthy and happy dog. If your German Shepherd doesn’t have enough training and exercise during the day, he can sick. The most common negative effects of not training your German Shepherd enough are depression and destructive behavior.
Please have this in mind, and try to spend with your German Shepherd AT LEAST 1 hour per day, teaching them new commands and having a good time.
Top 10 basic commands for German Shepherd.
We don’t gonna lie, training your German Shepherd dog commands can be stressful and hard, and for some commands, you will need more time than from others.
That’s why we are decided to highlight the top 10 basic commands, which your German Shepherd needs to learn first.
- Come
- Sit
- Down
- No
- Leave it
- Place
- Down
- Stay
- Off
- Quiet
30 training commands for German Shepherd in 5 different languages.
We all know how important is to have a list of the most important commands, and that’s we decide to create this ultima list of GSD commands and share it with you.
You can find down this table in PDF format, so feel free to download it (you don’t need to leave us any penny for eBook).
English | German | French | Czech | Dutch |
Heel |
Fuss (fooss) |
Au pied (oh-pee-aye) |
K noze (kno zay) |
Left=volg Right=rechts |
Sit |
Sitz (siitz) |
Assis (ah-see) |
Sedni (said nee) |
Zit |
Stay |
Bleib (bly'b) |
Reste (rest) |
Zaustan |
Blijf |
Down |
Platz (plats) |
Coucher (coo-shay) |
Lehni (leh nee) |
Af/ Liggen |
Come/ Here |
Hier (hee er) |
Ici (e see)/ Viens |
Ke mne (khemn yea) |
Hier |
Stand |
Steh (shtay) |
Debout (da-boo) |
Stuj (stuuya) |
Staan |
Retrieve/ Fetch |
Bring (brrring) |
Rapporte (aport) |
Aport | Apport |
Jump | Hopp |
Saute (soot)/ Aller |
Skoc/Hop | Over |
Go out |
Voraus (for owss) |
En Avant (onn-avauhnn) |
Vpred (va porshed) |
Voruit |
Track |
Such (tsuuk) |
Piste (piss-te) |
Stopa | Keuring/ Zoek |
Guard |
Pass auf/ Wache |
Garde (guard) |
Pozor |
Bewaken (bay-wawken) |
Bite |
Attaque/ Mord |
Attaque/ Mord |
Drz | Stellen |
Out/ Let Go |
Aus (owss) |
Halte (alt)/Done (don-aye) |
Pust (pusht) |
Los/Loslaten (those-lawten) |
Speak/ Bark |
Gib Laut (gheblout) |
Parle/Aboie (ah-bwaa) |
Stekej (esteke) |
Blaffen (blauffen) |
Narcotics/ Dope |
Rauschgift | Drogue |
Hledej oznac |
/ |
Find narcotics |
Such Rauschgift |
Cherche Drogue |
Drogy |
/ |
Building/ Blind Search |
Voran/ Revier |
Cherche (Sherch) |
Revir (revere) |
Revieren (ray-fee-eren) |
Kennel/Crate | Zwinger/Box | Chenil | Kotec |
Hok/ Kennel |
Go Outside |
Geh Raus/ Geh Draussen |
Dehors | Jdi (ven) |
Naar Buiten |
Go Ahead | Geh Voraus | Vas | Volno |
Voor uit/ Vrij |
Go Inside | Geh Rein |
Monte/ Entre |
Podj sem | Ga de in |
What is going on? |
Was ist los? |
Qu'est ce qui ce passe? |
Co je to? | / |
Good (praise) | So ist brav |
Bon Garcon (bon gar-scon) |
Hodny (hout nee) |
Braaf |
Correction Word "No" |
Pfui (fooey) Nein (nine) |
Non/Mauvais/ Mechant |
Fuj (pfui) |
Foei |
Don't do that! | Lass das sein |
Ne fais pas ca |
Fuj (pfui) |
Nee |
OK! | In ordnung | D'accord | Vyborne | / |
Eat Food | Nimm Futter | Mange | Vem si | / |
Stand Still |
Bleiben Ruhig/ Steht Noch |
Toi, ne bouge pas |
Ruce vzhuru |
/ |
Article Search | Such Verloren |
Recherche D'article |
Hledej Oznac |
Zoek |
Leave it | Lass es |
Laisse/ Pas Touche (pa-too-shay) |
Nech to | Los |
How long does it take to train German Shepherd basic commands?
There is no universal answer to this question. German Shepherd can learn new commands only after 5-10 repetitions, and that’s really impressive. This means your German Shepherd can learn more new commands in one single day.

But this doesn’t mean that you should try to teach your German Shepherd 10 different commands in one single day. Start small, and think big. Training your German Shepherd isn’t a sprint, but a marathon.
It’s better to practice a couple of commands (2-5 is ideal from our personal experience) during a whole week, without rushing. Your German Shepherd will be on that way much easier and faster to learn new commands.
Once he learns these new commands, this doesn’t mean that you should stop practicing that commands. Repetition is crucial.
How many commands can German Shepherd learn?
According to the researches by Stanley Coren (Ph.D., of the University of British Columbia), highly intelligent dogs, like a German Shepherd, can understand on average around 150-200 words (commands).
The mental capability of a German Shepherd dog is like a mental capability of a 2.5-year-old human child, and this is one of the reasons why he can learn new commands so fast.
Which commands should you first teach your German Shepherd puppy?
In the beginning, we recommend you start with the most basic commands like sit, quiet, give me a paw, come, place, off, no, leave it, cage. Start small, and once your puppy masters these basic commands, you can move to the more advanced commands.
But don’t be too focused only on commands. You need also to teach your puppy how to behave around other pets, humans, kids. You also want to teach your German Shepherd how to properly walk on the leash and collar (it’s better for the puppy when you start with the collar, later you can switch to the harness).
How to train your German Shepherd to listen to your commands?
Okay, we know what should we do, but how do we get our German Shepherd to listen to us?
To get the attention of your German Shepherd, you need to build a strong bond between him and you, and to do that, you can start with some interesting “dog games”. Play tug and war with your dog, with sticks, throw him a ball, have a great time, and then, you can start teaching him dog commands.
If you’re interesting to your dog (you must be the funniest and energetic person in his circle), your dog will start listing you way faster! They love to play almost any game, and through games, we can teach them.
To get the attention of your German Shepherd much easier and faster, you can try these sneaky tricks:
- Look at me (when you teach your GSD this command, you can faster build a bond between the two of you).
- Never use your GSD’s name in a negative way (for example, when we were little kids, we had known that we are in trouble when we hear our mom that yelling our full name).
- Use special treats during training (the better reward it is, the faster your GSD will start obeys your commands).
- Practice, practice, practice (we will always repeat that, but you must consistently practice).
- Eliminate distractions (at the beginning, it’s better to practice in a calm environment, so that your GSD can be focused on you).
How to train a German Shepherd to be friendly?
There are different methods for teaching your German Shepherd dog to be friendly, but as always, we will try to help you and provide you with the most accurate information and trusted methods.
One of the most popular methods for training your German Shepherd to be friendly is “Day One Method” by Wag!
To start with this training, you will need some basic training accessories for your German Shepherd, like toys, clickers, food puzzles, treats, or his favorite food, and other people and pets.

German Shepherd Schutzhund training commands.
Activity in which German Shepherds probably enjoy most - Schutzhund, sport created just because of German Shepherds. We decide to share with you some of the commands that professional dog handlers use in Schutzhund.
Below this table you will find this table in PDF format (also our free products), so feel free to download it and start with training!
German Pronunciation | Pronunciation | English |
Achtung! | (Ahk-toong') | Watch! Attention! |
Aus! | (Ows) | Out! Drop it! Let go! |
Bleib! | (Bliebe) | Stay! |
Bring! | (Brring) | Fetch! |
Fuss! | (Foos) | Heel! |
Gib Laut! | (Gib Lawt) | Bark! |
Hier! | (Heer) | Here! Come! |
Hopp! | (Hup) | Up! Jump! |
Nein! | (Nine) | No! |
Packen! | (Pahken) | Attack! Take hold! |
Pass auf! | (Pahs owf) | Pay attention! Watch! |
Pfui! | (Foo-ey) | Shame! Stop that! |
Platz! | (Plots) | Down! |
Revier! | (Reveere) | Hunt! |
Sitz! | (Zetz) | Sit! |
Such! | (Zook) | Search! |
Voraus! | (For-ows) | Go forward! Run out! |
Final words.
Training a highly intelligent dog, like a German Shepherd isn’t hard at all. Most people things that, and they don’t know how wrong they are.
Every one of us wants good results, immediately, and this is a mistake which can cost us a lot of time and health.
To have a well-trained German Shepherd, you need to be patient, to work with them even you feel tired. Trust us, these dogs, or any other dog or animal, can make you a better person.
Don’t give up immediately. Try, fail, repeat. We made thousands of mistakes on our journey (and we will probably make a million new mistakes), and that’s absolutely okay!
Play with your German Shepherd, have a great time together, and once you notice that he trust you with his whole life, you can easily teach them any command!
We wish you all the best on your training journey!