Every day we can find thousands of fresh news about COVID-19 and the global situation, but literary no one talks about our dogs. Can my dog get Coronavirus? It’s my dog safe from Coronavirus? What should I do to protect my dog from COVID-19?
Coronavirus has changed our lives forever. The global pandemic was started in March 2020 and after one year, the pandemic is still here. It seems that this virus will not disappear soon despite all the measures we take.
That little virus was changed our lives forever. We will care about our health and the health of our loved ones more than ever. But what about our dogs?
Can my dog be infected with a COVID-19 virus?
Yes, there are cases where dogs have become infected with this deadly virus. Believe it or not, the first-ever dog with the COVID-19 virus was a German shepherd. His name was Buddy.
Buddy was a seven-year-old German shepherd who was live in New York with his family. He was the first dog in the U.S. with the SARS-CoV-2 virus (Coronavirus). His health records indicate he had cancer, but they also indicate how little we know about this virus.
Shortness of breath and loss of appetite were the first symptoms of this virus. After two months of fighting for his life, he passed away on July 11.
Source: National Geographic
Scientists believe that owners most often infect their dogs with this virus. There is also evidence that infected dogs can transmit the virus to other dogs.
How to protect your dog from the COVID-19 virus?
The distance can help, but that is quite impossible. Our dogs are our family and we are so close with them. You should treat your dog like the other family member and keep in mind that he can also get infected and get sick.
The best way to protect your furry friend from this deadly virus is to isolate him from the outside world. When we say that, we don’t mean to stay at home all day until the global pandemic is over.
-When you walk with your shepherd, keep him close to you. In this way, you will protect him from coming into contact with other people and dogs.
-You should avoid public places where large numbers of people gather. Now is the perfect time to explore more with your furry friend in nature!
-Don’t let your dog play with strangers. We are know how much our dog is cute, but now isn’t the perfect time to allow a stranger to play with your dog and stand near you.
-Please, do not put the mask on your dog. Mask can harm your friend and it won't help at all. Mask was designed for humans. (maybe we'll see dog masks soon, who knows)
Protect your dog if you’re sick and have the COVID-19
If you’re reading this and you have a COVID-19, get well soon, and please don’t panic! The mental state during this global pandemic is also very important!
Here are some tips you should take to protect your dog from the COVID-19.
-If possible, let someone else take care of your German shepherd.
-You also should avoid kissing and licking, hugging, sleeping in the same bed and room, sharing food with your German shepherd.
-If you’re alone and you can’t find someone else to take care of your dog, you should always have a mask on your face when you’re near your dog.
-Also you should cancel all veterinary examinations for your dog. Call your veterinarian and consult with him.
Stay healthy and take care
We are still learning. We don’t know too much about this virus and when the pandemic will end. There is currently no evidence to suggest that dogs are playing a significant role in the spread of COVID-19 to people.
Keep in mind that you should always wash your hand after handling your dog, his food, waste, or supplies.
Practice good hygiene and clean your dog properly.
How know the most when it comes to your dog's health? Talk to your veterinarian if you have questions or notice some bad symptoms.
We hope that this global pandemic will end soon and that we will enjoy society as we once did! Stay safe and take care!
More Information about Buddy, the first dog with the Coronavirus.
You wanna learn more about German Shepherd Buddy, the first dog with Coronavirus? Then you must watch this video!