You've just sat down to enjoy a delicious pizza when your German Shepherd gives you that look - you know, the one that seems to say, "Can I have a piece too?" It's a common scenario that leaves many pet owners puzzled. Can German Shepherds actually eat pizza?
In this blog post, we'll slice through the uncertainty surrounding this tantalizing question to spark your interest and increase your knowledge about the intricate world of canine nutrition. We're not just talking about pizza here.
We're delving deeper into understanding how each ingredient affects your German Shepherd, creating a broader perspective on what's best for your furry friend's diet.
Misinformation about pet nutrition is rampant, leading many pet owners astray. So, we're also taking a stand against such misleading narratives, committed to debunking them with science-based evidence. We're leaving no stone unturned, from the benign mozzarella to the potentially harmful onion topping.
This comprehensive guide will fuel your desire to provide the best for your German Shepherd. It's not just about sharing a meal with your pet; it's about understanding what's safe.
So, buckle up for a deep dive into German Shepherd nutrition as we attempt to separate the pepperoni from the peril. By the end of it, you'll not just be a more informed pet parent, but possibly, the best pizza-sharing companion your German Shepherd could ask for.
So, German Shepherds eat this one of the most popular and tasty human foods ever made?
While a small amount of pizza might not harm a German Shepherd, it's not advisable. Many pizza ingredients like garlic, onions, and high sodium content can be harmful or toxic to dogs.
Going in-depth, pizza is a staple food for many humans, but it's unsuitable for German Shepherds or any dog breed. The primary reason lies in the ingredients used in pizza making.

For instance, garlic and onions, commonly used in pizza, are known to be toxic to dogs. They can cause damage to the red blood cells, leading to anemia. Also, pizza has a high sodium content which is not suitable for a dog's health as it can cause dehydration and high blood pressure.
Cheese, a primary ingredient in most pizzas, can also be problematic for dogs. Some dogs are lactose intolerant, and cheese can cause digestive issues like bloating, gas, or diarrhea. Additionally, the high-fat content in cheese and pizza can lead to obesity and pancreatitis, a severe and painful condition in dogs.
Furthermore, pizza crust, especially if made with yeast, can expand in a dog's stomach, causing bloat, a potentially life-threatening condition. The high carbohydrate content can also contribute to weight gain.
Lastly, while not directly related to health, feeding pizza can lead to bad feeding habits, and dogs may start rejecting their regular, nutritionally balanced dog food.
So, while an occasional small piece might lead to little problems, keeping pizza off your German Shepherd's menu for their long-term health and well-being is best.
10 reasons why German Shepherds should not eat human pizza
While we all love to share our favorite foods with our furry friends, it's critical to understand the potential dangers some human foods, like pizza, can pose to them. German Shepherds, known for their intelligence and loyalty, require a nutritionally balanced diet to maintain their health and vitality.
In contrast, pizza, a beloved human food, contains several harmful ingredients to these canine companions. Let's explore the top 10 reasons why German Shepherds should not eat human pizza.
- Toxic Ingredients
- High Sodium Content
- Lactose Intolerance
- Risk of Pancreatitis
- Obesity
- Yeast Dough
- High Carbohydrate Content
- Bad Feeding Habits
- Choking Hazard
- Allergies or Intolerances
Toxic Ingredients
Onions and garlic found in pizza are toxic to German Shepherd dogs, causing oxidative damage to red blood cells, leading to anemia. Even small, regular doses over time can be harmful.
Expanding on this, onions and garlic belong to the Allium family, and these plants contain compounds called disulfides and thiosulphates which are harmful to dogs. When a dog ingests these compounds, they can break down the dog's red blood cells, a condition known as hemolytic anemia.
Symptoms of this condition include weakness, lethargy, pale gums, increased heart rate, and decreased stamina.

💡 Did you know? Chocolate is the most toxic food for dogs, as it contains theobromine, which can cause severe health problems and even death. Some other toxic foods are avocados, alcohol, xylitol, and grapes.
Garlic is considered to be five times as potent as onions, and even consumption in small quantities can lead to toxicosis in dogs. Furthermore, it's worth noting that these toxic effects apply to all forms of onions and garlic - raw, cooked, dried, or even powdered versions found in food.
Moreover, dogs do not metabolize foods in the same way humans do. Therefore, substances that are safe for humans can be toxic or even fatal to dogs. While the occasional small amount of these ingredients might not be immediately harmful, chronic ingestion, even in small doses, can lead to serious health issues over time.
So, it's crucial to be aware of the ingredients in the human food we're tempted to share with our canine companions.
High Sodium Content
Pizza is typically high in sodium, which can be harmful to dogs. Excessive sodium intake can lead to increased thirst, urination, and even sodium ion poisoning, causing severe symptoms like vomiting and seizures.
A more detailed explanation reveals that dogs, like humans, require a certain amount of sodium in their diet for normal bodily functions, including the conduction of nerve impulses and maintenance of body fluid balance.
However, too much sodium can be harmful. High sodium intake can cause conditions like hypernatremia, or high sodium levels in the blood, leading to symptoms such as increased thirst and urination. In severe cases, it can lead to sodium ion poisoning, whose symptoms can include vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, and even death.
Furthermore, long-term excessive sodium intake can strain your German Shepherd's kidneys and heart, leading to chronic conditions such as heart disease and kidney disease.
Therefore, it's essential to control the sodium content in your dog's diet, and human foods like pizza, which are typically high in sodium, should be avoided.
Remember, your dog's nutritional needs differ vastly from yours, so what's acceptable for your diet might not suit theirs.
Lactose Intolerance
Many German Shepherds are lactose intolerant, meaning they have difficulty digesting lactose in dairy products like pizza cheese. This can cause digestive problems such as bloating, gas, and diarrhea.
Elaborating further, lactose intolerance in dogs is a condition where they lack enough of the enzyme lactase, which is necessary for breaking down and digesting lactose, a sugar found in milk and dairy products.
Like in humans, when a lactose-intolerant dog consumes dairy products, the undigested lactose ends up in the colon, where it ferments and produces gas, leading to symptoms like bloating, gas, and diarrhea.

It's also important to note that not all dogs are lactose intolerant, and some can handle dairy better than others. However, many adult dogs, including German Shepherds, have some degree of lactose intolerance.
Given that cheese is a common ingredient in pizza, it's best to avoid feeding it to your German Shepherd to prevent potential discomfort or health issues. Always remember that dogs' digestive systems are different from humans, and food that is safe and enjoyable for us might cause problems for our furry friends.
Risk of Pancreatitis
Pizza, laden with fats, can increase a German Shepherd's risk of developing pancreatitis, a painful condition where the pancreas becomes inflamed, often leading to digestive problems.
Diving deeper, the pancreas is an essential organ in a dog's body. It has two primary functions: to produce insulin for controlling blood sugar levels and to produce enzymes for the digestion of fats and proteins. Pancreatitis occurs when the pancreas becomes inflamed, disrupting these functions.
A high-fat diet, like regularly eating pizza, can trigger an episode of pancreatitis. Excessive fat can cause a surge of digestive enzymes to be released from the pancreas, which instead of breaking down food in the intestines, start attacking the pancreas.
Symptoms of pancreatitis can range from mild to severe and can include loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, and abdominal pain. In severe cases, pancreatitis can be life-threatening. Therefore, providing a balanced, low-fat diet for your German Shepherd is essential to maintain their overall health and well-being.
Pizza's high-calorie content can contribute to obesity in German Shepherds, a condition that leads to numerous health problems, from joint issues to heart disease, shortening their lifespan.
Expanding on this, obesity is a growing concern among pet owners. It's not just about the dog's appearance; it has severe implications for the dog's health. Obesity can increase the risk of dog health problems, including diabetes, heart disease, respiratory disease, and joint problems like arthritis.

The high-calorie content in pizza can easily contribute to weight gain if fed regularly. Remember, a slice of pizza for a dog is like an entire meal in terms of caloric content, and it doesn't provide the necessary nutrients a dog needs.
Furthermore, German Shepherds are prone to hip and elbow dysplasia, conditions that can be exacerbated by carrying extra weight. Obesity can also affect a dog's quality of life, making it more challenging to participate in physical activities and enjoy their daily lives.
Yeast Dough
Pizza dough, incredibly when raw, contains yeast, which can expand in a German Shepherd's stomach, causing bloat, a potentially life-threatening condition also known as gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV).
Delving deeper, yeast dough is particularly dangerous for dogs because it continues to rise even after ingestion. Once in the warm, moist environment of the dog's stomach, the dough can expand, causing the stomach to inflate like a balloon.
This is known as bloat or GDV. This condition can lead to decreased blood flow to the stomach wall, shock, and in severe cases, death.
Moreover, as yeast ferments the sugars in the dough to produce carbon dioxide and alcohol, a dog can become intoxicated from eating yeast dough, leading to signs like disorientation and depression.
Large breeds with deep chests, like German Shepherds, are more prone to developing GDV. Hence, it's crucial to avoid feeding your German Shepherd pizza dough and to seek immediate veterinary attention if your dog has consumed it and shows symptoms of bloat or alcohol toxicity.
High Carbohydrate Content
Pizza's high carbohydrate content can contribute to weight gain and related health issues in German Shepherds since their diet should mainly consist of proteins and specific fats.
Diving deeper, dogs, especially active breeds like German Shepherds, require a diet rich in proteins and specific amounts of fats. Carbohydrates, while they can be a part of a dog's diet, should not be the primary source of their calories.
When dogs consume a carbohydrate diet, like pizza, they must produce more insulin to manage the increased blood sugar levels. Over time, this can lead to insulin resistance, which may increase the risk of diabetes.

❗ High carbohydrate foods can lead to obesity in dogs and contribute to the development of diabetes and pancreatitis.
In addition, the excess calories from the carbohydrates in pizza can lead to weight gain and obesity, a common health concern in dogs. Obesity increases the risk of several health problems, including joint issues, heart disease, and decreased life span.
Therefore, while carbohydrates aren't necessarily harmful to dogs, they should only make up a balanced part of their diet, and high-carb foods like pizza should be avoided.
Bad Feeding Habits
Feeding your German Shepherd pizza can lead to bad feeding habits. They may start expecting human food and become picky, rejecting balanced, nutritious dog food.
When we expand on this, feeding your dog foods like pizza can make them develop a taste for it, which could make them start rejecting their regular dog food. This can result in your dog not getting the balanced diet they need to maintain good health.
A diet balanced for dogs will contain the right proportions of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals required for optimal health. Human foods like pizza do not meet these requirements.
Moreover, feeding your dog from the table can also encourage begging behavior, which can be a tough habit to break. It's important to remember that consistency is key to maintaining good feeding habits for your dog.
Establishing and sticking to a regular feeding schedule with appropriate dog food can help prevent nutritional deficiencies, weight problems, and behavioral issues related to feeding.
Choking Hazard
Pizza toppings like whole olives, large chunks of meat, or crust can pose a choking hazard to your German Shepherd. It's important to avoid feeding your dog food that can obstruct their airway.
Further elaborating, choking is a natural and serious risk for dogs. They often don't chew their food as thoroughly as humans do, which increases the risk of choking on larger pieces of food.
Certain pizza toppings, significantly, if not cut into small pieces, can get lodged in your dog's throat or digestive tract. This could lead to choking or a blockage requiring surgical intervention.
In addition to the size of the toppings, some ingredients could pose other risks. For instance, hard crusts could harm a dog's teeth, and fatty meats can contribute to pancreatitis, as previously discussed.
Therefore, it's essential to be mindful of what you're feeding your dog and ensure that it's safe and healthy for them. While it can be tempting to share your pizza with your canine friend, doing so could risk their health.
Allergies or Intolerances
Just like humans, German Shepherds can have food allergies or intolerances. Ingredients in pizza might trigger these, causing discomfort, skin irritations, or severe allergic reactions.
In a broader context, food allergies and intolerances are immune responses triggered by certain foods. In dogs, these can result in various symptoms, including skin irritations, gastrointestinal issues like vomiting and diarrhea, and more severe reactions like difficulty breathing.

Many ingredients commonly found in pizza, such as wheat, dairy products, and certain meats, are among the most common allergens for dogs. Additionally, pizza often contains a variety of additives, artificial colors, and flavorings, which could also trigger an allergic reaction in a dog.
📝 Related blog post: German Shepherd most common allergies
It's also worth noting that dog food allergies can develop at any age, and just because a dog has not reacted to a particular food in the past does not mean it won't develop one in the future. Therefore, it's always best to stick to dog-safe foods and avoid human foods like pizza that contain a mix of potential allergens.
Can pizza kill German Shepherds?
While pizza is unlikely to kill a German Shepherd immediately, it can cause serious health issues over time, which may lead to a shortened lifespan. It contains potentially toxic ingredients and lacks balanced nutrition.
Diving deeper into the topic, certain ingredients commonly found in pizza, such as onions and garlic, can be toxic to dogs. In large amounts or over time, these can lead to serious health issues like anemia.
The dough, incredibly when raw, can cause bloat, a life-threatening condition. Additionally, the high fat and sodium content can strain a dog's heart and kidneys, potentially leading to chronic diseases.

Moreover, obesity resulting from regularly eating high-calorie foods like pizza can lead to a range of health problems and can ultimately shorten a dog's lifespan. Also, the risk of choking or allergic reactions shouldn't be overlooked.
So, while a small piece of pizza won't likely kill a German Shepherd immediately, regular consumption or large amounts can pose serious health risks and should be avoided.
Can German Shepherds eat pizza crust?
The pizza crust is not toxic to German Shepherds, but it's not recommended. It's high in carbs and lacks the nutritional value your dog needs. Plus, large or hard pieces can pose a choking risk.
While the pizza crust isn't toxic, it's not particularly beneficial to your German Shepherd's health. The crust is a concentrated source of carbohydrates, which, as discussed earlier, should not make up the bulk of a dog's diet.
On top of that, pizza crusts, particularly those that are hard or not thoroughly chewed, can pose a choking hazard. Additionally, if the crust contains seasonings like garlic or onion powder, it can be harmful as these ingredients are toxic to dogs.
Lastly, the crust, like other parts of the pizza, can contribute to bad feeding habits. Your German Shepherd might develop a taste for pizza crust and start expecting similar human foods, which can lead to them rejecting healthier, balanced dog food. Thus, it's best to stick to dog-specific treats and foods.
Can German Shepherds eat pizza sauce?
Pizza sauce can contain ingredients like garlic and onions that are toxic to German Shepherds. Even without these, it's high in sodium and lacks the nutrients your dog needs, so it's not recommended.
Going more in-depth, pizza sauce is typically made from tomatoes, garlic, onions, herbs, and spices. While tomatoes are generally safe for dogs, garlic and onions are toxic. They contain compounds that can damage a dog's red blood cells, leading to anemia if consumed in large amounts or over time.

Even if the pizza sauce doesn't contain garlic or onions, it's often high in sodium. As mentioned earlier, excessive sodium intake can lead to health issues in dogs, including increased thirst and urination and, in severe cases, sodium ion poisoning.
Moreover, pizza sauce doesn't offer any significant nutritional benefits for dogs. It lacks the proteins, fats, and balanced carbohydrates dogs need for a healthy diet. So, while a small lick of pizza sauce won't harm your German Shepherd, regular or substantial amounts should be avoided.
Can German Shepherds eat cheese pizza?
Cheese pizza isn't recommended for German Shepherds. Many are lactose intolerant, leading to digestive problems. Plus, pizza's high sodium, fat content, and lack of balanced nutrition make it unsuitable for dogs.
Elaborating further, cheese is a dairy product, and many adult dogs, including German Shepherds, are somewhat lactose intolerant. While some dogs can handle dairy better than others, those who are lactose intolerant can experience symptoms such as bloating, gas, and diarrhea when they consume dairy products.
Aside from the potential lactose issue, pizza (even cheese pizza) typically contains high levels of sodium and fats. Over time, high sodium can negatively affect a dog's kidneys and heart, while too much fat can contribute to obesity and increase the risk of pancreatitis.
Furthermore, cheese pizza might seem simpler than other types, but it still doesn't provide the balanced nutrition that dogs need. It lacks the necessary proteins, vitamins, and minerals to make up the bulk of a dog's diet. Hence, it's best to stick to dog-safe foods and treats.
Homemade pizza for German Shepherds
Feeding your German Shepherd shouldn't just be about nutrition - it can also be about enjoyment, both for your furry friend and you!
While ensuring their diet primarily consists of dog-specific, balanced meals is crucial, there's still room for some fun, homemade treats. So, why not bring the joy of pizza into your dog's world safely and nutritiously?

The following section explores three delightful homemade pizza recipes crafted with your German Shepherd's health in mind. These dog-safe 'pizzas' are packed with protein, fiber, and vital vitamins, all while omitting ingredients that could harm your pet. So, get ready to don your chef's hat because your German Shepherd is in for a tasty, pizza-themed surprise!
Puppy Pizza Bites
1 cup of whole wheat flour: This option is healthier than regular white flour as it retains more natural nutrients.
1 cup of cooked and shredded chicken: Chicken is an excellent source of protein for your dog. Make sure it's fully cooked and shredded into bite-sized pieces.
1/2 cup of grated carrots: Carrots are safe for dogs and provide a great source of vitamins and fiber.
1/4 cup of peas: Peas are also safe for dogs and a great source of vitamins and fiber. Make sure they're thawed if you're using frozen peas.
1/4 cup of low-sodium chicken broth: This adds flavor to the dough. The low-sodium version is important to check your dog's sodium intake.
- 1/4 cup of water: This helps to bring the dough together.
- Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. This common baking temperature cooks the pizza bites thoroughly without burning them.
- In a large mixing bowl, combine the whole wheat flour, cooked and shredded chicken, grated carrots, peas, low-sodium chicken broth, and water. Stir the ingredients together until they form a sticky dough. If the dough is too dry, you can add a bit more water. If it's too wet, add a bit more flour.
- Once your dough is ready, roll it out on a floured surface to about 1/4 inch thick. This thickness is ideal for baking and for your dog to eat.
- Use a small round cutter (or a knife if you don't have one) to cut the dough into bite-sized pieces. The size should depend on the size of your dog - smaller for smaller dogs, larger for larger dogs like German Shepherds.
- Arrange the pizza bites on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Make sure they're evenly spaced and not touching.
- Bake in the oven for about 20-25 minutes or until the pizza bites are golden brown and firm.
- Remove from the oven and let them cool completely. Cooling is crucial as it helps prevent your dog from burning its mouth and allows the pizza bites to firm up more.
Remember to gradually introduce new foods into your dog's diet and monitor for any adverse reactions. This treat should supplement their regular diet, not replace meals.
Veggie Delight Dog pizza
- 1 sweet potato: A great source of dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals for your dog.
- 1/2 cup finely chopped spinach: This green leafy vegetable is high in vitamins A, B, C, and K.
- 1/2 cup finely chopped bell peppers: They're packed with vitamins and are a great way to add a bit of crunch.
- 1/2 cup low-sodium tomato paste: This will be our "sauce". Ensure it's onion and garlic free, as these are toxic to dogs.
- Preheat your oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature will help the sweet potato cook through without burning the toppings.
- Scrub the sweet potato clean and slice it into 1/4-inch thick rounds. You don't need to peel the sweet potato; the skin contains many beneficial nutrients. However, ensure it's well-cleaned to remove any dirt or chemicals. The thickness is ideal for baking and for your dog to eat.
- Spread a thin layer of the low-sodium tomato paste on each sweet potato round. Be careful not to use too much - while tomatoes aren't harmful to dogs, they don't need much in their diet.
- Top the tomato paste with a sprinkling of finely chopped spinach and bell peppers. These ingredients provide a wealth of nutrients and make the pizza more appealing to your dog.
- Arrange the topped sweet potato rounds on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, ensuring they're evenly spaced and not touching.
- Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes or until the sweet potato is soft and the edges slightly crisp. Cooking times may vary based on your oven, so it's best to watch them.
- Remove the tray from the oven and allow the pizzas to cool completely before serving to your dog. This ensures your dog won't burn their mouth, allowing the pizzas to firm up more.
Remember, these treats should comprise at most 10% of your dog's daily caloric intake. Monitor your dog for adverse reactions when introducing new foods into their diet.
Canine Meat Lovers' Pizza
- 1 cup of whole wheat flour: A healthier choice than white flour, providing more nutrients and fiber.
- 1/2 cup of low-sodium beef broth: It adds flavor to the dough and acts as the "sauce" for the pizza. Remember, low sodium ensures your dog's sodium intake is controlled.
- 1/4 cup of water: To help form the dough.
- 1/2 cup of cooked and shredded beef or chicken: A source of protein that your dog will love. Make sure it's cooked thoroughly and shredded into bite-sized pieces.
- 1/4 cup of chopped carrots: Carrots are safe for dogs and provide essential vitamins.
- Start by preheating your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. This is the ideal temperature to thoroughly bake the dough without burning the toppings.
- Combine the whole wheat flour, low-sodium beef broth, and water in a large bowl. Stir these together until they form a soft dough. If the dough is too dry, add a little more water. If it's too sticky, add a bit more flour.
- Once you have your dough, roll it out on a floured surface to about a 1/4 inch thickness. This thickness ensures the pizza will bake evenly and is easy for your German Shepherd to eat.
- Now, cut the dough into your desired pizza shape. You can use a pizza cutter or a knife. Keep in mind the size of your dog - for a German Shepherd. Larger shapes might be more appropriate.
- Spread a thin layer of the low-sodium beef broth on the dough as a "sauce", then top with the cooked and shredded beef or chicken and the chopped carrots. The broth adds flavor, while the meat and carrots offer a delicious topping your dog will love.
- Arrange your pizzas on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, and space them evenly.
- Bake in the oven for about 20-25 minutes or until the pizzas are golden brown and firm.
- After baking, allow the pizzas to cool completely before serving. This ensures your dog won't burn their mouth and allows the pizzas to firm up a bit more.
Treats like these should only supplement your dog's diet, not replace their regular meals. Monitor your German Shepherd for any adverse reactions whenever introducing new foods.
Enjoy baking these meaty treats for your pup!
Final words
It's clear that while we humans relish a slice of pizza, it isn't the safest option for our faithful German Shepherds. From toxic ingredients to high sodium content and potential allergens, the risks far outweigh the momentary pleasure our furry friends might enjoy.
But don't fret, pizza lovers! We've explored some fantastic, dog-safe pizza alternatives you can whip up at home. Just remember, always watch what your German Shepherd is eating and avoid harmful foods like chocolate, onions, and avocados.
We must ensure our pets are well-fed, healthy, and happy. After all, they do so much to enrich our lives every day. Keep the pizza for the humans and the Puppy Pizza Bites for the dogs!
Frequently asked questions
Do you still have questions? Check our FAQ section, and you can find your answer here!
❓What foods can German Shepherds not eat?
German Shepherds shouldn't eat chocolate, caffeine, alcohol, grapes/raisins, onions, garlic, avocados, nuts (especially macadamia), xylitol (a sweetener), and dairy products. These foods can cause serious health problems in dogs.
Suggestion: Worst dog food for German Shepherd
These foods can lead to various health issues in dogs, from vomiting and diarrhea to more severe conditions like pancreatitis, kidney failure, or even death. It's essential to keep these foods out of your dog's reach and to inform everyone in the household about these dangerous foods.
Always adhere to a vet-approved diet to ensure your German Shepherd's well-being.
❓What vegetables can German Shepherds eat?
German Shepherds can safely eat carrots, peas, spinach, green beans, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, and zucchini. These veggies should be cooked or finely chopped to aid digestion. Avoid onions, garlic, and avocados, as they're toxic to dogs.
Including veggies in a German Shepherd's diet can provide beneficial vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They're low in calories and fat, making them an excellent choice for treats or meal toppers. However, ensure they only make up a small portion of your dog's diet - the mainstay should still be balanced, vet-approved dog food.
❓Can German Shepherds eat pepperoni pizza?
German Shepherds shouldn't eat pepperoni pizza. Pepperoni is high in fat and sodium, which can lead to obesity, pancreatitis, or salt poisoning. Also, pizza may contain toxic ingredients like garlic and onion.
Feeding your German Shepherd pepperoni pizza might seem like a nice treat, but it could lead to long-term health issues. Instead, offer dog-safe foods or specially-made dog treats. Consider the healthy homemade recipes mentioned earlier if you want to share a pizza with your furry friend.
❓Can German Shepherds eat tomatoes?
German Shepherds should avoid eating green parts of the tomato plant (leaves, stem, unripe fruit) as they contain solanine, a toxin harmful to dogs. Ripe tomatoes are safe in moderation, but their acidity can cause upset stomachs.
While ripe tomatoes aren't necessarily harmful, they should be given sparingly due to their high acid content, which can cause gastrointestinal upset in some dogs. Also, it's crucial to ensure that any tomato-based product is free from onions, garlic, and excessive salt, which are toxic to dogs.